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Everything posted by Ivy_Cat

  1. i have done extensive research, since i have so many children.. never hear of anyplace that cheap.. could you send me the info (I really need to work and this could be my salvation) I have literally called pretty much every daycare in the phone book and surrounding areas.. and they will not take my daughter for less than $120 a week, this was pretty much not worth it for me to work and give more than half of my check to daycare (plus gas )
  2. Thank you.. we wont disappoint ya.. Please remember, get there early if you can sitting is going to be limited.. (funny I am already getting people to try to get me to reserve sits for them. hehehe) there is no way I can do that in this venue. But since I am sure we are going to pack the room, I have a feeling that next time around our venue is going to get bigger!! We are going to have a great time!!!! Tell all you know, and please remember that buying a ticket for our show also grants you entrance into city club
  3. I had an amazing time.. met a lot of people.. still can put all the faces to the names here on the board.. but did manage to do it with some. I was happy to see everyone having a real good time and was impressed by the organization of the event. I am not going to mention names, cause there is no way I am going to remember them all and i know I will forget someone. thanks Raev for putting this together
  4. naw.. maybe is just that you are really not that new .. we take you for granted :-)
  5. Anyone can buy pre-sale tickets by following the following link: http://www.wantickets.com?e_id=83792 Pre-sale tickets are $8 you can also buy them from performers Tickets at the door are going to be $10 (cash only) I cant wait to see many of you there!
  6. Lula La Rose form Oblivion got interviewed last night on internet radio.. and she gave a shout out for OBLIVION and "THE WITHCHING HOUR".. she actually gave away some tickets for the event last night.. this is going to be amazing! WE ARE GOING TO ROCK THE HOUSE>>> SO>>>> EXCITED!!!!
  7. no, I wish i can one day.. what do you prefers, someone that is blunt or someone that beats around the bush?
  8. .. dancing on the grapes and turning them into wine... muahahahahahaha

  9. 1) What is your honest opinion about open marriages? 2) if you are in one how do you handle the criticism or the people that treat the females in it as lose women?
  10. Why do women make comments like "know that whatever happens, I still love you' when they end a relationship ? I have never said that when i ended a relationship.. so i dont know Like, are they saying, no matter how many other guys they have sex with, they still love you. (?) Total different question.. you can have sex with more than one man and be in love with more than one man... (personal opinion and experience) Or no matter how long it's been since you were together, they still love you. (?) not really understanding this question... Or are they saying it because they think it makes them look mature? When it comes to love maturity i have discovered takes a back sit.. sometimes we ry to rationalize our decisions.. only because we are hurting.. not because we are trying to be mature How can one person dump on another and then say, I still love you no matter? i have dumped someone i was in love with.. did not tell him i was still in love with him.. but i dumped him because he was harmful to me and my life and even though i loved him deeply i saw that... (not saying that is the case every time)
  11. Just one week to go.... FUN! dont forget that you can get your pre-sale tickets on line at: http://www.wantickets.com?e_id=83792 or you can buy them directly from the performers
  12. hey.. you cheated.. you are supposed to reply to the person above you .. hey i can do a foreign language too: "tu hiciste trampa"
  13. Has no idea of the kind of acrobatic skills that i can display!! in public and in private! hehehe
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