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Everything posted by LittleMissLuckyCunt

  1. Shes the only natural light blonde in the whole place, can't miss her
  2. <h3 align="center"> </h3> You Are Spirited and Spontaneous You are an energetic, passionate person. You are quite impulsive, and your passions tend to change with the wind. You are lively and fun. You like to stay busy with your various adventures. You are a wanderer and a traveler. You're curious about the world, and it's hard for you to stay still for too long. You get bored easily and tend to shirk on your responsibilities. You don't want to grow up yet!
  3. Haha. Just ask one of the bouncers where jamie is, they usually know where i'm at
  4. Just a cloud. Sometimes stuff happens like that. Like the northern lights. :].
  5. Yayy for black tacos! loll... Is that from taco bell?? I thinkkk its chilis or applebees that makes black chips! lol
  6. Doctors think her body is out of sinc, meaning its not working together, like ours, but its working seperetly, she hasn't gone threw puberty, she has looked the same since she was 2, and her brain has not grown at all. Its really weird, they're trying to find out the gene and test it on rats and see if it slows down the aging in rats, if it does, she could possibly hold the key to ageing. Its a sad story, but it might hold the answers to some things. Remember, every one on this planet is here for a reason .
  7. Sorrrry :[ I made this for my Grandma. She almost died laughing. [thats my son] Hope no one is offended.
  8. I heard about this story a couple weeks ago. This girl is 16 and shes the size of a toddler and hasn't grown up. She has 3 sisters, one which is only a couple years younger then her. I was very intrigued by this. Thoughts? The videos kind of long, but its worth watching http://abcnews.go.com/2020/Health/story?id=7880954&page=1
  9. No, sorry. I just read the link ;] I was responding TO the link, not to everyone else.
  10. Many many many times. Michigan is like a big black hole though. You always move back. Haha. DO YOU THINK GIMP POSTS TOO MUCH?!!?!? he ruins all my posts :( hahahhaha
  11. ....you'vegottobefuckingkiddingme. I think i'm the only one that seriously hates this dude. I like zombie obama better. Hahaaha
  12. AWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Now I shall love you forever. You just made my day :]
  13. T-Mobil Music Express. I somehow managed to break the buttons off though in the frame. I hate my phone. Even my grandma has a cellphone. So no its hard to believe people dont have some hahaa.
  14. My cat Chronic. Unfortunately he died a couple years ago:( Best. Cat. Ever. He would come home at 2 am to my window, eventually I just put a ladder up for him to climb threw. My mother thought I was odd. Haha. Hmmm..... How old were you when you got your "official" first kiss?
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