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Everything posted by LittleMissLuckyCunt

  1. "designer dogs". that word annoys me a lot too.
  2. Is anyone actually surprised? I seen a movie documentary thing about a year ago that reminds me of this.
  3. Didn't get a chance to talk to you much on Saturday. Hope all is well ^.^

  4. .-.head like a hole, black as your soul, i'd rather die then give you control.-.

    1. RockGod_66


      I always love to scream along to this song in the car. lol

  5. So its true. I am ugly :[ *runs and kills herself, again*
  6. Not when I'm upset. haha. && Prick, me and my girl alwaysssss say OUR BOOOOO just to piss off our boyfriends. ^.^
  7. Well thats kind of rude for the owner to just straight up do that :-/ I wanted to check it out too. Atleast he gave you notice though, Circus Obscene night, the owner just changed it with out telling any body.
  8. Wahoo I can comment now!! Haha.

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