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    My Husband, my four sons, singing, my bands: CyberTrybe & Feed the Kitty, painting, traveling with my lover, & bubble watching.
  • Referred To DGN By:
    sean mooer

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  1. Checked out your music page on Reverbnation...I really got into it...Thanks for the share :)

  2. Sending out random hellos. Hello :)

  3. great to meet you guys in person! hope to see you again soon.

  4. So, it has been noted that Jinx did not actually write (what is no longer viewable) that post. As mysterious as it might be as to who did, I rather hope this doesn't get escalated. Don't be a crap magnet.
  5. that's a good question! Ask Sean. He runs that department. lol (thank you!)

  6. will you guys need help with equipment for your cc show?

  7. I saw that in the other thread. I really hope you both do make it out.
  8. I wish you would update your pictures here on your profile. there are way better ones, Darling.

  9. Wouldn't it be awesome if JoeC. (easy2cy) was up on stage with us for this show??? Having JoeC. would make the night absolutely perfect for CyberTrybe.
  10. Love your flier! Great job! Very excited about this show.
  11. THANK YOU!!! You did an awesome job! I loved it! And thank you for playing some CT last night at CC.
  12. You will be missed. And now I know for sure I am leaving boy #4 home. Not because you babysit, but because you are the only person I know who would protect him without thinking twice about it. It is an all ages show, after all. No you, no boy #4. (I did say forever indebted!) I wish you were going.
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