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About JaXson

  • Birthday 03/18/1976

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  • Location
    East of Eden
  • Referred To DGN By:
    other, known for years...

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  1. Have a Happy Birthday ^_^

  2. Happy Birthday :D

  3. Sending Birthday Wishes :)


  5. Yo dawg...where you been?


    (just in case) ;)

  7. Absolutely! Also saw it at the DFT. It's not slow as much as it's deliberate. Can't wait for it on my netflix queue.
  8. Is Mexico City the site of said Party?
  9. Will December 21st, 2012 be thee best end ov days party?
  10. It is clear you are not knocking them, but freely stating your observations. Thank you. We have all seen our scene change and grow over time. That's what happens when you are a regular for longer than you'd sometimes like to admit. However, those changes can be influenced. Fleeing from the problem does not make it go away(recent report from the National Institute of Duh.) Keep coming out. Encourage your friends to do the same. Stand your ground in defiance! Make your night what you want it to be. Carpe Noctem... If you're still having trouble, and it isn't a security issue, please come and seek me out. I will either cheer you up(in an appropriately dark & gothy way) or start freak dancing, ass-shakin', kiss blowin' or whatever...
  11. To quote the Cruxshadows: "Take back the dancefloor!" In my experience, one of the best ways to deter undesireables is to make them uncomfortable and unwelcome. They are less apt to keep coming around to oggle & harrass when some big scary guys start flirting & blowing them kisses. Viking Scott & I had great success. You need to point them out to us. It would be my pleasure...
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