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About Vampyrerin

  • Birthday 10/30/1989

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  • Location
    Ypsilanti/Ann Arbor, Michigan
  • Interests
    Society for Creative Anachronisms
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  1. Sending Birthday Wishes :)

  2. Greetings. Good morning and Happy Birthday :)

  3. Oh, Majik 8-Ball of Rev. Should I rip the 'Band-Aid' off quickly or wait for now? I trust your awesome advice.
  4. omg. I LOVE the comics! They are SO much better than the movie and way darker. I didn't start reading them until after I saw the movie, but they are still awesome!
  5. .....work.....but work is lame.....
  6. Bear Grylls is full of shit, he takes a camera crew, has been known to leave the wilderness over night to stay in a hotel. Survivorman is WAY cooler.
  7. My Uncle is a nurse and he told me once of twins being name Lemongello and Orangello. Which sound like Lemon Jello and Orange Jello. Craziness.
  8. Because we are wrong for each other. Seriously wrong. Plus he wants to go to war so bad, but he stayed here for me. Now he can go and be with his best friend.
  9. I am trying to break up with the man I am in complete love with. It is not the best.
  10. Potato chips and vinegar. I love vinegar SO, SO much that I may have to go hunting for some after just writing this.
  11. Either way you can legally name your child whatever and still call them whatever stupid name you want.
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