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Everything posted by dragonluv

  1. Sorry to hear of your situation. I could go on about the domestic abuse issue, but I think it will be best for me,if I stay quit. I remember hearing about anthropologists studying prostitutes. These anthropologists gave a voice and insight of these women.
  2. Get rest for my soul is drain. Hope that everyone on Detroit Gothic, have a Bless week.
  3. I am not saying it right what the fiancee is doing. But to me it sounds like a domestic abuse women. I volunteer at a domestic and sexual abuse shelter. I have heard stories of the clients. These are clients who are from all types of backgrounds. Women with just high school diploma to women with PH D. I have heard from clients that they knew their partner was evil but could not leave. I do not think it fair to pass judgement on this fiancee without knowing if she is a victim of domestic abuse. To me, she sounds she like she is. Domestic abuse is an ugly monster. How can society judge someone who without knowing all the facts? I had a friend who was killed a few years ago by her abuser and she never saw his evil. She was smart and beautiful and a new mom. She did not deserve to die!!!!!!!!!!! It was not her fault. I am getting choke up. I need to end this talk. I need to log out out.
  4. Always so sad to hear this. Made me think of that song by Martina McBride called Concrete Angel. If one wishes, here the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDm03Foq2T0 Awhile ago, the US had the stamp where proceeds went to help with abused children. Sadly, they stop doing that stamp. Anyway in my eyes, McBride did very powerful song and beyond heart touching video. She gave a voice to the abused children.
  5. Making the best of things. To Everyone on Detroit Gothic net, May your weekend be Bless.
  6. I think dogs have special gifts in so many ways. The author Dean Koontz talks about the greatness of dogs a lot in many of his books. Koontz mention in one novel about dogs being the best therapy. I remember awhile ago reading in the news about a women going through Chemotherapy and how her two dogs were taken away from her because they (can not remember who they were) felt she could not take care of the dogs in her condition. She got her dogs back and she started healing better so much, it was amazing the doctors. I also remember reading from amnial recuse web site, about a cat owner who stated that her cat saved her life. If I remember correctly, she pass out and the cat nudge her awaked. She was able to get to a phone. I was amazed to hear that one. I don't know to explain this. But I believe that there are folks who have a special connection with an animal that helps them. That is getting off the topic in hand. As Pedigree states; "Dogs Rules"
  7. Greetings, St John Bay's carries tall pants for women. They have different style of jeans. They are found at JCPenny. Also, JCPenny carries pants for talls, long and for utlra tall. They carry for all different sizes for gals. JCPenny normal always has a sale going. When they do have a sale going, the pants range in about $25 to $35.00. We are different sizes, but regardless these pants last for a good time. I have mine for about two years and no probelms. Here the website if you would like: http://www3.jcpenney.com/jcp/X3.aspx?DeptI...451|53652|53683 Good Luck. Blessed be
  8. You Are an Endomorph You have a rounder, softer body type. It's difficult for you to lose weight. Endomorphs are known for being friendly, generous, and warm. It's likely that you're a relaxed person who enjoys good times, good people, and good food. You are warm and affectionate. You provide comfort to others and crave it for yourself. This might sound like trying to be kiss up but it the truth. All of the above comments have some really good points. I am so happy that Dove is taking a stand and having that campaign that beauty comes in all different styles. I was sad when I heard that Figure Magazine (a magazine for plus size women) is going to be canceled. It was nice to see models with bodies like mine. Anyway, a few months ago (I think), this magazine did an interview with actress Camryn Manheim. I normally do not paid attention to entertainment stuff, but I respect and admire Camryn Manheim for I feel she good role model for plus size gals. Anyway, in this article Manheim mention about being a healthy plus size gal. I know some people do not like the term plus size, so I am sorry for that.
  9. Greetings, This is an article from Detroit Free Press and was written by Mitch Albom. Albom talks about how GM announced that due to current money problems, they will have to give up sponsoring the fountain on Opening Day of Tigers. Albom shares with readers that this fountain is big money advertisement. Albom also states how Mike Ilitch let GM, Ford and Chrysler advertised for free on Tigers Opening Day. Article reflects on how Mike Ilitch rejected other business offers for the fountain, to help out the Big 3 of Detroit. To me this story is beyond powerful and very motivating. If I could speak to Mike Illitch, I would thank him for this awesome act of kindness. Here the link of the article if anyone want to check it out: http://www.freep.com/article/20090405/COL0...+in+centerfield
  10. Single. Last time on a date was 2005 and it was somewhat of a date. Basically, meeting an old guy friend that did not go well. This coming July will mark my five years of being celibate.
  11. Hello, We have never met. I wish you good luck! This might sound corny, but I truly mean it. Thank you for taking the step to serve America. May you walk in balance and harmony. Blessed Be/Take Care America.bmp
  12. I just remember. If you and your friends like going to theatre, here an idea. If you are not aware, Wayne State University has different theatres and they got some great plays for this year. If you are intersted, here is there link: http://www.theatre.wayne.edu/ I need to take care of some stuff and will sign back in later. I wish you the best.
  13. You Are 33% Open You are open at times, but generally you don't let many people into your inner world. It's possible that you have a friend or two that knows you well. But to most people, you are a total mystery.
  14. Current location? Southfield Where from? Royal Oak. I am blessed to own a condo in Royal Oak. I am caregiver for my dad. It was hard for me going back and forth. Living between two places was just hurting my soul. This past weekend, I rented out my condo. I am bless to have a found a great renter. Yes, I wait a long time to rent out, for I had so much going in my cauldron. Gender? female Work? Caregiver. I start caregiving for my dad in January of 2007 when he fell on ice. I use to also volunteer at a domestic and sexual abuse shelter for two years. I had to quit the shelter, for it was getting to much with school, work and caregiving. Summer of 2008, my dad health got worse. I went on Family Medical Leave Act first and then later had to quit my job to better take care of my dad. Today, my daddy has good and bad days. My dad is also one of my best friends. School? studying to go back to get my Masters. An online school is my goal. Kids? no Married?no Single? yes Hobbies? reading How Did You Find DGN? web searching Other Stuff? I just feel left off and have to hide myself a lot. It getting old. So I decide to take the step and join. I am Catholic but I am struggling with my love and beliefs of being Catholic and my love and beliefs of Pagan/Wicca. I just feel so torn between the two. I thank you all for your warm welcomes. Hugs.
  15. Greetings, I just want to say hello for I am somewhat of a newbie. I been to City Club before but it was very long time ago. This weekend I sign up here. May everyone day be Bless. To Walk in Balance and Harmony, april
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