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Carpathian McGee

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  1. Tired...groggy... I have yet to make it to bed. Don't think there's really a reason to at this point.
  2. Naa, no need to worrie. just not having a job, and being a diabetic just kinda.... bleh... sucks. But other then that, I couldn't be happier. well, I could. but for what i currently have. I'm feeling warm and fuzzy.
  3. Perhaps if I had a really cool sig.... oh but who would be so inclined to to that? Hmmmm? I elect Tits, thanks for volunteering
  4. *kisses* love you baby

  5. This is Marie, I just didn't feel like logging into my account. All I have to say is: What The Fuck
  6. We, as in Tits and I, are bloody wonderful. We had such a good time celebrating the love between HW and Jinxy. We had a good night too just hanging out at her sisters house watching movies and cuddling...and "stuff". We thinks that we should post our own picture on the cute couples thread, since I'd say we're pretty damn cute
  7. Are we excited yet? See you in a few hours (this is Marie on Mr. Charlie's account)

  8. *bows* welcome to DGN :)

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