Thank you Troy for all the information, I have been doing my research but product testing isn’t exactly real life testing. I like to get the opinions of those around me that have had dealings with either or both as well as all the information already provided from product testing and specs online.
In all honestly I’m not a fan of change. If I find something I like I don’t change it unless I have to. That is the case with the phone. I had an LG envy touch, and loved it though many other people I know that have one hate it, It was simple and would do everything I asked of it. However starting the new job last year made more demands on my poor little LG so I then got a BB. I had the BB for a millisecond and hated it. It was a perfectly good phone and did most of the things I need for work but it was so different from what I was used to, I just couldn't get used to it.
I basically need a personal assistant that I can train to do everything I need it to do quickly, easily and without complaint. I travel for work and pleasure quite a bit and need access to certain things on my system at work without any arguments. I have to be able to open modify and save (back to my network) many different kinds of documents. So far the Droid is trainable and seems to be able to handle everything I’ve asked of it to do. I have 14 days to play with it before making my final choice. I will likely switch to the iPhone in about a week just to test run it and then decided which one will be the best phone for what I need.
THank you again for all your research though, it has been most helpful!!!