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Ryle Hira

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Everything posted by Ryle Hira

  1. ...Anime? ooo please say anime ... wait that's not harrassment ... damn I fail . I've missed the boards and a lot of the great people I've met thru DGN. So here I am, poking around everywhere at once... oh and right now wearing... military green v neck shirt with blue jeans. damn *must wear pants* rule at work.
  2. No but I will offer cupcakes, wine and lots of chololate with much time to rant and throw things as necessary! *hugs*
  3. Sneak into the neighbors garage and steal my kiddy pool back! When was the last time you played marco/polo in the pool?
  4. Fenton Crackshell, who had the dual identity of Gizmoduck. What was your favorite childhood cartoon of all time?
  5. Awe, Thanks Spook its been so long since I was properly harrassed. Miss you!
  6. Agreed. Regardless if my cat has always preferred male to females of any species, there is a huge different between gay behavior and the behavior of a snipped male cat. For starters gay behavior in its intricacies is a mainly human attribute and well, he's a cat. The thing is as a pet owner many start to attach very human personality traits to their animals. Treat them like children or part of the family. The behaviors that people attribute to their animals can be very eccentric, however most of these behaviors are natural adaptations to wild animals being domesticated. As far as the HUMPING thing goes as the wise and all knowing chernopedia stated "It completely has to do with dominance, not legit homosexuality." Regarding the 6 year old seeing this behavior and asking questions. If she asking be honest. I was her age when I first saw my dog humping the neighbors dog and well once I was told that how puppies were made, I regularly took him to the neighbors house when the adults weren't watching cause dang it I wanted a puppy!
  7. I dreamt of my future recently, for oncce it was happy, I was happy, I don't remember a lot of details but there were palm trees and ocean and children playing in the sand... it was so serene and peaceful. That is definately the best dream I've ever had. If you were stranded on a deserted island what five items would you want to have with you?
  9. That entirely depends on ones definition of strange... since very few things throw me off stride these days and I'm a very accepting and open minded person, I would hav eto say the most recent was "have you ever fisted a man?" though not really that strange of a question from my point of view, the source of the question kinda threw me off slightly. What is the strangest question anyone has ever asked you?
  10. I'm certain after many years with my Duncan that he is gay. Though I don't blame him since his female owners took him to get snipped by a female doctor, and all the other cretures in the house are female except the snake (who he loves, they sleep next to eachother all the time). He's ignors everyone until a man comes over then he can't get enough attention. He loves to sleep in and on man shoes. He has a foot fetish that really makes me giggle. Not to mention he grooms all the men that sleep over (at least until he's kick off the bed/couch) Nothing like that sand paper tongue at 4 in the morning.
  11. I've had the biggest cruch on Raev for years but he's known that for a while, I've settled for best drinking brother EVER!!! Plus I luv his miss, sexy redhead lots I'm completely crushed on my girl mLe. She's the bestest. But all in all my new luv is such an amazing man, he's trumpt my crushes completely.
  12. Good clear communication, Honesty, outdoorsmen, active, hard working, home owner, mechanic/handy man, intelegent. Can keep up in conversations regarding Hockey, Cars and Guns. Preferably never married, no kids, must love to travel. The kinkier the better. *I could go on but that's the highlights*
  13. Not really a favorite, depends on my mood and the atmophere. What is the story behind your profile name on DGN? Why did you choose it?
  14. Very cool mustache :) lol

  15. 1967 Corvette Sting Ray with L88 engine option (Cherry Red) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  16. I want to live on pandora in an avatar body. They sparkle, glow in the dark and they are blue! If you won the lottery, what would you do first?
  17. Not well, very annoying cough and my nose feels like its been used on a chz grader all dried out.
  18. I could teleport to Florida and sneak attack my Alex and still make it back for my conference call in 10 minutes. Who has had the most influence in your life? and Why?
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