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  1. U are old Kim. JK Shit I'm older than u. LOL. Anyways I wanna go see the show. W
  2. I agree with scarry guy. I don't like the search option on facebook but I found lots of my high school friends on there so its superior in that aspect but I much prefer myspace. W
  3. I'm so going to this. Last time they went to Necto for their after party. W
  4. I'm not looking for trouble and if someone is I'm on my way out. W
  5. Nada just trying to tell people that I'm sorry for everything I had a bout with alcoholism and no longer drink I'm a good person now and really take my life seriously. Weapon
  6. I'm going with homicidal heathen and her daughters and tara probably cuz the girls wanted a guard so that would be me. Weapon
  7. I am giving DGN another try becuz homicidal heathen and tastewonderbunny have asked me to do so. I need to make amends with certain people like brenda for being nasty to her, jinxxxdangel for kissing her at a club and to another girl for feeling her around even tho I had permission I am trying to change my ways at least with dgn people, but I am not changing my ways otherwise. I have full intentions of making business cards buying a digital video camera recorder and opening dollardaveproductions.com and paying my models $100hr like I used to except for models that are my gf's at the time. You can call me weapon now. XOXOXO Weapon
  8. It was really nice seeing u the last time I was up at City maybe we'll go out for chop suey sometime to celebrate. Weapon
  9. This is my favorite video by them I know what the chick feels like.
  10. I was talking to Kellygrrl from here yesterday on my myspace and she said thats shes going for sure I wanna see her but I don't think I'd fit into the hoedown plus I don't like that music. Weapon
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbTjzZzfR7w Enjoy!!! Weapon
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