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  1. Welcome to DGN :)

    How do we know your real, if you have no pic or info??

  2. We'v been corresponding for fiew days, now its time to meet up and cary on... She has such possabilities in photography don't you think? Do you see all the photographic possabilities........a natural
  3. Glad to have found or stumbeled across rather. There are some exceptional photographers here on the site, and while Goth is very intertaining, I find other things to enterest myself here with. I too will be submiting some stuff soon as I sort out some of my photography and convert from paper to digital some of my older stuff, primarilly fron Alaska shoots. My real name is Richard, but GoHot229 is from my days in Vietnam, a story in itself as to how I arrived at this, and the meaning. Well in the famous words of Samuel Clemmens...'by an by'
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