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Miss Fire Pants Danica

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Everything posted by Miss Fire Pants Danica

  1. Theater Bizarre is pretty awesome for Halloween, but I'll be with Voltaire and performing with him.
  2. Hey you! How are you doing?

  3. I came, I saw, I peed on your chair

  4. http://www.myspace.com/467284254 Come down for some family fun! See some great local artist works and taste some of the treats on the street! Then, stay (we go on around 6:45pm till 7:15pm) watch us light up the stage! Stick around afterwards, because we'll be doing our belly dance lesson at 7:15pm till 7:45pm! We will be headlining the main event that night, so we're on the main stage! The Lunatic Vagabonds have the great pleasure of dancing in their hometown for this event! It is very exciting and very dear to their hearts! We will be dancing some of our favorites as well as a few new pieces! There will even be (cross fingers hopefully) fire and sword at this event! Stick around also at the end of our set, we'll be giving some dancing lessons! This is one event you don't want to miss! Bring the kids, girlfriends, dads, boyfriends, lovers, grandpas, grandmas, EVERYONE and come on down!
  5. myspace.com/phoenixhelp ***I will be doing fire and (maybe) belly dancing*** This is an annual event that I was very lucky to take part in last year for the first time. These girls put some much effort into these events each year, that I love doing it! They are AWESOME! This year they are raising money to help the local shelters of battered women, children and men. This is a GREAT CAUSE! Plus, the entertainment they have lined up, WOW! Just check out the details here: Date: Aug. 8th Saturday Time: 7pm, entertainment going all night! PreSale Tickets: $10 @ Door Tickets: $15 Location: The Machine Shop, Flint MI Live Sideshow acts: Miss PussyKatt Miss Fire Pants Danica (ME) Zabba Zimora Sactum Of The Black Rose Rising Phoenix Dancers Live Music Includes: Patchworkhead Lifted Amplaphi Photography brought to you by: DarkSide Images THERE WILL BE SO MUCH MORE!
  6. www.myspace.com/squaredcirclerevue ****I am apart of the main event! I am not telling you what I will be doing though! You'll have to come down and see!**** Thats right folks! On July 31 and August 1, The Squared Circle Revue will once again descend onto Theatre Bizarre in beautiful Detroit city. Both nights will be full of crazy sounds, sexxy burlesque, magical magic, and of course, the most cut-throat circus wrestling action on the planet! Prices are $15 per night, or $25 for both. Doors will open at 9:00, with the show starting at 10:00. And if you've attended SCR before, you know that something pretty important usually happens right away. So if you want to know what is going on, get there early!!! And if all that isn't enough to make you want to be there, heres a list of exactly what you can expect: Bands: The Terrible Twos The Gepetto Files The Glass Orphans The Casket Bastards The Amino Acids The Questions Burlesque By Roxi Dlite! Scheduled to Appear in the ring: Pogo The 1 Legged Boy Gunther T. Strongman Glenda The Bearded Lady The Unknown Masked Superstar CLOWNTOWN and much more, including a very special suprizze. (you want to know, but i cant tell you.) Also slated to appear: Hayley Jane Scarboni The Great Miss Chantel Flec AND MORE!! there's always more!!!! Theatre Bizarre is located at 967 W. State Fair just east of Woodward. SEE YOU AT THE CIRCUS!
  7. The DGN (welcome) Questions 2.1 ™ © Formerly the "S.D.G.N.W.Q.P.S." The Standard Detroit Gothic . Net Welcome Questions Polls and Suggestions 1.7b Feel free to ignore anything you feel uncomfortable sharing, dont have the energy for or have covered already. We are just friendly, if a bit nosey. And we ask these same questions fairly often as you may have noticed. Current location? Brighton, MI Where from? Grand Rapids, MI Gender? Female Work? What is work? School? Ummmm....Haven't been in a while Kids? I have a niece? Married? Nope Single? Sure Hobbies? look at my profile How Did You Find DGN? Spook, My roommate Other Stuff? Just ask, I'll share!
  8. http://www.passthehat.com/ This is just across the river here. Windsor Busker Festival Hopefully will be heading over there for a weekend in July.
  9. Grand Haven city & state parks, on the west side of the state!
  10. hey thanks so much for coming out last night!

  11. OH MY GOSH! YOU ARE KILLING ME RIGHT NOW! I am only half way through the second season with David Tennant! I am trying to get all caught up. I have heard the same about the new doc and comp!
  12. OH YES BABE! We are trying to choreograph a dance to the theme song! We HEART the Dr. SO MUCH!
  13. This is why I LOVE YOU SCARY GUY! YOU ARE THE BEST DJ I HAVE EVER WORKED WITH! Trust me! You just made some belly dancers SUPER HAPPY!
  14. Thanks to all those that came out last night to watch the show! I do hope y'all enjoyed it!
  15. The show is totally worth it! I love their music. I wish I was in town to go to it!
  16. I was performing at the Ritz on Thursday. Then a song came on that Scary Guy played. It was the Dr. Who theme song, but it was a techno style remix. Who is that done by? I am a huge Dr. Who fan!
  17. I won't be there. Due to family ER. EVERYONE SHOULD GO and HAVE A BLAST!
  18. Damn. I am really hoping that there is video and photos out there!
  19. I was in the whip act at that show. I heard it got alot of laughs and praise. I heard there ARE photos out there! I heard that there IS video! If you have ANY OF THESE: Please PLEASE can you PM me? My friend, www.myspace.com/stuntcomedian , would like these photos or video to add to his site and portfolio. I would like as well as for mine. All credit will go to those that took the photos and video. I hate people stealing other peoples photos/videos that they worked so hard on, and claim them as their own. That is shadey shit and I will set people on fire for that crap! THANKS SO MUCH ALL!
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