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Miss Fire Pants Danica

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Everything posted by Miss Fire Pants Danica

  1. 5/30/2009 9:00 PM The Ritz 24300 Hoover Rd, Warren, Michigan 48089 Cost: $10 www.myspace.com/superhappyfuntimeburlesque FINALLY THEY HAVE MADE IT TO DETROIT! One of Grand Rapids BEST entertainment in Vaudeville Style! Come out for a night of laughs, live music, hoopers, magic and SEXY BURLESQUES dancers! *Side Note* These guys are really cool! I got the chance to meet them and see one of their shows when I went home to Grand Rapids one weekend. A very good friend of mine, also got the chance to perform with them. HE LOVED IT! This is totally worth the trip out there! I shall be there, and so shall my roommate! COME OUT! DRINK! LAUGH!
  2. Y'all will love this one. I totally mean it as well! Dragostea Din Tei by: O-Zone yea....
  3. totally would love to, if I wasn't driving out to GR during the week. Plus having some close friends come in from WI for Martini's that night.... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......martini's......................... Martini + Glow Stick + a good smoke + music + me + dancing = A NICE NIGHT
  4. Over the weekend at the first belly dancing convention, I was known as "glow stick". Due to many people having the same damn name as me.... HA! Glow sticks are fun!
  5. Oh man. I have been told I need to get on here because of the AWESOMENESS....And now, I got off my lazy ass, with a little help from my roommate.... THANKS GUYS!
  6. ah...thanks for the comments...

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