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Everything posted by Lucia_Woolf

  1. Have breakfast/lunch... (what time is it?) Buy books for classes Apply for jobs Writing Class at 6 Learn songs on bass and practice dances.
  2. Getting better everyday, darlin. How's yours?

  3. Hi, my gothy beautiful batshit crazy lovelies... I haven't been on in a second because I'm living this AWESOMELY FABULOUS LIFE IN CHICAGO.... Well, kind of. I'm broke, yet things keep working out at the last minute as if there's some strange sort of Divine Force telling me that this is where I NEED to be, so GET MY SHIT TOGETHER. Or something. But, I digress. Here's what's going on: I started classes yesterday...and I'm so fucking excited because it's FICTION WRITING! YAY! (I miss you guys) I auditioned to be part of a brand new Burlesque Dance Troupe (I miss you guys) and I got in! I'll be playing my bass on a couple songs, too! AND our first performance is a Charity gig on Oct 2nd. Other than that one, I'll be paid for each performance. Fuck yes. I have my first Dance Class today...JAZZ. (be jealous, I miss you guys.). I still don't have a real people job, and rent is DUE LIKE A MOTHERFUCKER. I'm so close to meeting Gay people, I can smell it...CAN'T WAIT! This is retarded (I miss you guys). And, I've done a little writing, and will be posting it in my Artsy Fartsy thread on here soon...perhaps you could tell me what you think? (I miss you guys) And don't think FOR ONE MINUTE that I miss ANY of you. Regardless, I'll be back for the November "Pardoned Gluttony" Holiday, and anticipate going to that one place where a bunch of you hang out or whatevers... So find me on the dance floor and buy me a drink, cuz I'll be broke as fuckin HELL, I'm sure. Okay, I'm gonna go around and leave random animal Noises on people's profiles. ~L_W~
  4. Hm... Finish my peppermint tea. Stretch some more... Practice some bass... Go to my Jazz Dance class... Go to my Writing and Rhetoric Class... Unwind.
  5. Why, thank you! Vampires are my unhealthy obsession...I actually have a couple more chapters if you'd like to read them...

  6. Thanks, Amy Post has taught me a thing or two about class. So has Happy Tree Friends, Ren and Stimpy, Billy and Mandy, porn...

  7. 1) Much better now that I talked to someone... 2)Like a need a shower (because I do) 3)Like a lazy ass. So many deadlines, so little writing...
  8. Thanks, you guys. I know things will be cool, but you know how it gets...there's a breaking point where you don't think you can go any longer (Like Day 3 of a Fast...). Dragonluv: :hugs: Meg: A quick weekend trip up to the D might be happening sooner than I was planning... Msterbeau: Is it Mister, or Master? Maybe Muster? Monster? And I love punks and art weirdos. They make the conversations more interesting. Oh, and pRick: No more leaving your phone in obscure places.
  9. *whimper* lost...

  10. Yes. I imagine that's the sound poop makes on cement when defecating from high elevations...

  11. Pomba Gira: Thanks, that's how I try to think of it, too...I should just be patient. I just...miss it all. I feel so isolated right now. And Isolation is no good when it's unintentional... HomicidalHeathn: Lol yes it's okay.
  12. Thank you, Jynxxedangel, and trust me... There were many a time I contemplated taking the young lass, but an agreement was made Not to pursue her, only to be pursued (which, luckily, did occur ONCE.). Ach, the things I do for friendship...
  13. Okay, no, seriously. I've been here for almost a month now. [Rant] And I have been trying REALLY hard to break the roomie best friend in VERY slowly about all the things she doesn't know about me. I've been patient, Goddamit. I've been a great friend. I know she's dealing with things, and she's even doing better. She knows I'm gay. She knows about my unhealthy obsession with vampires (I'm studying every aspect) My interest in BDSM. My predisposition to dark clothing/makeup/humor and "not happy poppy bullshit" music. And I haven't met anyone into the above list just yet. Besides, it's Chicago; I am NOT going out by myself at midnight, and dragging myself home at 4am without a vehicle. But i SWEAR TO FUCKING GANDHI... If I do not get out of this apartment and go out to a GOTH ORIENTED CLUB by the end of this month, OR If I do not get out of this apartment and hang out with some FUCKING LESBIANS... I'm going to rape her. And make her listen to Bauhaus. And I'm going to turn her into a VAMPIRE LOVING LESBIAN if it KILLS ME. I do things with her! We go eat, we've gone to lame-ass straight SHITTY HIP HOP PARTIES where you're packed in like Sardines. We work out together, cook dinners, all the really fucking cute-ass roomie shit you're supposed to do to make it great (I've known this girl for 7 years...no problems there), and it's cool, I like it, or whatever, but I can't do this anymore. SHE'S FUCKING BUBBLY. And so damn... HIGH PITCHED. I love her, believe me, I would give my left tit for her, but I HAVE TO GET AWAY. Just, 2 or 3 nights a week...so that I can be completely and totally at home with people like YOU. [/Rant] OH MY GOD, I MISS YOU GUYS. *sigh* I'm gonna cry.
  14. For Once, I wasn't even thinking about the kink. But now that you mention it...that would be interesting. Maybe some big toe and peanut butter....

  15. You heard right my friend...but, uh, remind me again when and where it is...

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