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Everything posted by Lucia_Woolf

  1. Good evening, not new person...

  2. Oh, you too! I'm personally a fan of the small intestine, but liver's alright every now and then. Especially if they're going through midlife crisis...

  3. Thank you, thank you! How's it going?

  4. It's gonna cost ya a liver, I'm afraid. But I have spare ones to replace it.

  5. Mi gato negro es en fuego. I was just called the "Queen of Mean" I'll take it. And there ARE such things as Ugly Babies...
  6. Surfing the web on my laptop behind the counter at my parent's restaurant. I'm at work...as a waitress. Man, I'm good. If anyone's hungry... 304 Cass Ave, Mt. Clemens, MI. I'll be here til 7. *lesigh*
  7. Oh that's all? It's about 34,000 feet for me.

  8. That i have art class in 2 minutes, and my burger is only half done. That I wish I could get paid on time. That I wish I could move TOMORROW instead of the end of August. That I should be thankful for my situation and stop bitching. That I need to reapply my lipstick. That I've been losing weight pretty easily by not eating after 7. Awesomeness.
  9. Like I just opened up Pandora's box, and anxiously awaiting the chaos to ensue. You know, in the good way.
  10. Thanks. It's been a long time coming...

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