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Everything posted by CaT

  1. CaT

    hey hey sorry kinda had alot going on ... but im back and alive..:D

  2. oh no...now where going to have a WELCOME BOBBY thread lol...hi bobby
  3. feeling alittle better about things but i think people should stop being shitty and help these guys or GUY out with the layout speek your voice

  4. CaT

    i hate this stupid thing...i hate people to...i have a rep of a -2 ...wtf what the hell did i do..:(

  5. how tha....:( im going to be mad and sad now i have a rep of -2 WTF

  6. lmao...your supposed to keep the game going...go tag someone elses pro...silly..:p

  7. no tag YOUR it....no tag backs...:p

  8. ill think about it...i dont go on my own much

  9. not just sad but angery....me no like the new change ...very up set

  10. yes morning indeed...how goes it?

  11. mad indecisive indifferent .....sad
  12. CaT

    DGN layout strike

    not what i meant for this thread..i want to get opinions to HELP
  13. ok this ones for every body who doesnt like this temp layout crap ... i cant stand it i dont know where anything is and it just plain out sucks...i didnt get on here to be confused ... if you agree say yah ...if you dont say nah ether way i think we should have a thread on this crap!lets help out and give some point a views to make this better....like i dont want my mail to be hideing its bad enough it doesnt tell me if i have new mail or not
  14. "WHY....why why why why why.....WHY...i hate this...it sucks it all sucks i have no friends no comments no mail and i gots NOTHING when my e-mail says i have alot...WHY....i want my mail..:("
  15. paint my bathroom YELLOW....ahhh paint i love thee
  16. that im going to cry...cause this WHITE just isnt what i bargained for
  18. going to go chill with prick...whoot fun...
  19. demolishing my bathroom...:D and then repainting
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