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Everything posted by Vivian

  1. Its a Small World - Disney (I think) Its a small world after all Its a small world after all Its a small world after all its a small small world Its a world of laughter A world of tears its a world of hope and a world of fears its time that we share its time we're aware Its a small world after all...
  2. A. It ran away with fright. hehe Q. If you had to do one thing over again differently, what would you do?
  3. Plaid boxers and maroonish colored tank top.
  4. A. I've always taken the kids trick or treating, when I wasn't trick or treating lol. I think this year, if I don't throw a halloween party, I'm just gonna pass out the candy. Q. What is your most memorable memory as a kid?
  5. help take pictures of midgits jumping on pogo sticks waving cardboard swords at each other. Then laugh like crazy when one of the midgits pretend to die. *giggles*
  6. A. Standing on the edge of a giant crack in the universe (on the light side) while talking to my ex-fiance that passed away while he was on the other side of the crack and standing in the dark.. Creepy assed dream if ya ask me. Q. What is the meaning of life, in your own words.?
  7. Black t-shirt that says "Keep staring I might do a trick", gray pj pants, black flip flops, hair in lose bun and muh glasses. I'm sooooooo ready for bed. *yawns*
  8. *bangs head on cat* I just want to kill him. Repeatedly. With a very sharp pointy knife. Can I kill him? Please?
  9. A. yesh, I own two can openers. Q. Has anyone read this thread from the beginning to the end?
  10. I was kinda bored and you were sleepin so I decided to peek at your profile. :) Just stopping by to say hi.

  11. I just wanted to say, your posts are touching and I love your sense of humor. Oh, and I agree with your husband. Your calling is writing. :)

  12. oh my god.... so little time, no internet.... life sucks
  13. okay, fingers crossed that ill be there, i was just recently kicked out of my house, so yall pray for me..
  14. Oo heh, i'll proabaly steal dave's pink hat... for a small period of time anyways...
  15. *chases brenda, trying to get her with a feather duster* come back here, youre GUILTY!! i just know you are. come take your punishment!!
  16. untitled- simple plan next... sugar we're going down- fallout boy
  17. yay 100 % sure ill be there, along with webscav... Now i gotta come up with something so you'll recognize me.. how about a big sign that says VIVIAN hanging over muh head? heh, that'd be funny
  18. i want that hat!!!!!!!!! *tickles dave and steals hat* heh, now im wearing a fuzzy pink hat, my blue tank top and ratty grey sweat pants
  19. making chilli.. thinking evil thoughts, talking to Just Dave, entertaining the idea of killing my roommate before he kills me or his mother... ya know, the usual
  20. oh good god... lol dave thats just funny.. *I remember coming to dg.n on the old board three years ago, because of digitalbathgirl.. she was muh roommate* I miss taz
  21. innocent my ass.. *scoffs* You're guilty!!! I see it in yer stars!! guilty guilty!!!
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