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Everything posted by Confess

  1. I'm feeling very very lazy. But otherwise the drugs are fine. Thanx.
  2. I'm definitely going to get out last year's " this is my costume get over it. " t-shirt.
  3. How to make a Confess Ingredients 5 parts anger 5 parts arrogance 1 part ego Method Blend at low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of emotion. geez. now i feel better about being me.
  4. Because WoW is in maintenance...
  5. They look really freakin' cool too. Like Optimus Prime with all of those blue leds. OMG sexy. I never really considered using them in the house though. The 'curly' bulbs are all over the place at my house though.
  6. Go and get some hot dogs. I'm hungry and mechanically separated chicken sounds appealing.
  7. If some people think chocolate is better than sex how come I can't trade a Hershey bar for at least a Bj?
  8. I'm thinking the Mustang is going to need a minor repair. Where do we come up with the money for this one?
  9. Texting on my cell and trying not to walk into manholes.
  10. That was an amusing article. It is funny that people have a general tendency to pick what they like out of a conversation and ignore the rest. Scientists are the most intelligent people in the world if their statistics support my opinions. If they don't support me or they refute my claims then they must be wrong.
  11. I live in Flint now, and I'm a fan of this. Shrink the city, it is way too big. It will allow a few positive things to happen. The city could rebuild a sense of community, it would be less taxing on support services such as fire and police, and it would not be such an ugly place with it's rundown empty neighborhoods breeding crime. The downside is it will push the shithead criminals into my back yard. I could live with more nature. Less urban blight isn't a bad thing.
  12. It seems to me I see more of those wind generators standing still or with the blades off for rebuilding than I ever see actually moving. And I see them all over the country like that. I love the idea of solar power. But I have a hard time even keeping my solar powered watch going for some reason. All this energy talk makes me wanna get the camaro out and spend a few days in the horrible sun driving around playing the radio too loud and burning a gallon of premium every 9 miles. Oh wait, I can't afford the gas.
  13. Oh, I don't doubt the severity of her injury, or the fact that it was hot. But people buy coffee hot. It's supposed to be hot. Maybe not that hot but hot. It's a hot drink. People shouldn't need it emblazoned across their cup to know this. People shouldn't need to be reminded to watch where they are walking either. If this girl was oblivious enough to walk into a big hole in the ground the cones probably wouldn't have made a difference. Hell, she might have just sidestepped them. I'd like to see that text convo. "OoOo UR so cute..." "I know huh? Should i send moar nudie pics?" "So when can I cum over?" "Fuck! I just fell in a hole."
  14. I miss certain people. But damn. Now i'm going to be Googling Goth Porn all afternoon.
  15. As amazing as suing over burning your crotch with hot coffee because it didn't say it was hot on the cup.
  16. I think I am on the side of for it. But then I am also kind of leaning towards euthanasia for about half of the world's population as well. I guess I'm just not much of a people person?
  17. I'm digging the desolation. I always thought Area 51 was in New Mexico? lol My internet really sucks though. guess they can't bounce cell signal off of cacti yet.
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