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About BloodCupcake

  • Birthday 08/31/1988

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  1. Is there a way I can opt out of all emails? I keep getting emails saying I subscribed to a thread and I only see the email settings as to receiving one email a day or one a week or whenever new content is posted. I don't want any emails. How do I stop this and unsubscribe to any threads I may be subscribed to?
  2. Sending Birthday Wishes :)

  3. Howdy and Happy Birthday :D

  4. Kind of on a kick of this band.
  5. This makes me wanna get up and yell "WHAT THE FUCK?!" at people.
  6. Maybe he needs anger management. Weed calms people down and maybe that's why he's using it but it sounds like he has an anger problem. Once u get into counseling, mention the anger thing. But in the mean while, if it's killing u financially I'd just tell him shape up or ship out. I know u have kids but he CAN'T be a good influence right now anyway if he's smoking all the time. Tough love. Give him a rock bottom before he hits his own, and who knows how long that could take on his own. Give him some ultimatums to work with or he's out.
  7. Don't care what anyone says, this guy always makes me feel all goth and evil and sexy at the same time. I win!
  8. My bf has it on DVD and now we're just waiting for season 2 to come out on DVD. I usually don't like zombie movies or shows cause they're just too fake seeming but this is gooooooooood.
  9. ~ What piercings do you currently have? Snakebites, septum, gaged ears to 3/4 and second hole in left ear (I let the right ear close up because it was pushing up against my gages and it hurt). ~ What piercings do you no longer have? Why? Lip ring, previous set of snakebites that lasted all of probably a day or 2 and then a monroe and lip ring because I had to take them out for work and they eventually closed up and I didn't know at the time I could just kinda push them back in, so I just left them out. Or, I probably just lost the jewelry at some point and didn't have any spare at the time. Something like that. ~ Are there any that you plan to get in the future? And why haven't you gone out to do that yet? Nothing I'm currently planning as of yet. I'm always open to the idea and thinking about it though. ~ Are there any piercings that intrigue you but feel you cannot have done (impossible, not if you want to keep your job, or just bloody unlikely)? I've thought about cheek piercings for a while but I haven't got them because they're more difficult to hide if I ever need to and I hear they can have a lot of complications. Thought briefly about getting my nipples pierced but I'd get fed up with them catching on fabric and I hear they REALLY REALLY hurt. I know I have a high pain tolerance but I'm not sure if it's THAT high. ~ What are the inspirations behind the piercings we have, choose to get, or yearn for with all our soppy hearts? I just like the aesthetic of the ones i have and/or want. No deep meaning behind them or anything. I just simply like how they look. ~ Are there any epic stories of note involving the process or aftermath of a piercing that you would like to share with the other children? Other than the epic amount of snot that came pouring out of my nose when I got my septum pierced?............No. ~ What fashion of jewelry do you commonly use in said holes? Are there any particular favourites? I just usually buy my jewelry from places like Hot Topic, Spencers, the tattoo shop I go to or the stands in the malls.
  10. I'm gonna say the first thing that popped into my mind....an over priced vanilla bean frappuccino from Starbucks. Lol. It's the ONLY thing I EVER get. Even in winter.
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