Here's my breakdown :D
-The Good!
Saw Troy, Shaun, and a couple of friends who aren't DGNers. Danced a lot! :D Met Riku and quite a few non-DGN friends (time to convert >:3 )
-The Bad D:
Creepy guys are still creepy. Wore the wrong shoes so my feet hurt. Didn't eat enough so I was pretty loopy, even without drinking. Dropped my first water bottle, so I had to buy water twice :/
-The Ugly T_T
Mace hurts like a bitch... I don't think I've ever been that terrified of choking to death in my life. I was sitting right by the door, talking to someone I was trying to impress. I thought, 'oh man, there's a tickle in my throat, I'll just stick it out. Hmm, clearing my throat didn't really help. I'll take a drink of some water. Maybe I inhaled it incorrectly? Hmm, everyone around me is coughing too... JESUS FUCK WE'RE BEING ATTACKED I'M GOING TO SUFFOCATE AND DIE!!!!1111eleventy1!!'
Yup, overreaction is my forte. Still feels like I'm breathing sandpaper T^T I can only imagine how the people outside felt.