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Everything posted by KatRN05

  1. Too many things going on Saturday night. I will see you all at City Club.
  2. went to kickboxing tonight. Tomorrow morning, I might actually go to the gym and do an 8 round tabata run on the treadmill followed by some kettle bell exercises.
  3. I didn't really workout today but I did go to ground-fighting class.
  4. I think I broke my toe in ground-fighting class.
  5. And the exercise I love to hate: The burpee. I should have done 50 of these this morning.
  6. I could have done sit/press but I already did something similar with the push press. The sit-ups were kind of a break.
  7. Krav Maga and kickboxing last night. Today's workout, since I don't feel like leaving my apartment, is this: 50 dead-lifts, 50 push-press, 50 squats and 50 sit-ups. For the first three exercises I used a 20lb kettle bell.
  8. I'm not in a pissy mood. I feel happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
  9. I'm glad I went after all. I had fun. It was nice to see everyone again,
  10. Mmmm no barfing for me. I had fun last night and it was great to see everyone. It had been a long time since I'd been to City.
  11. Why do I even care? Pisses me off that I am thinking about him. Pisses me off even more that I'm gonna see him at class this morning.
  12. He's a douche bag. I wish he'd stop fucking with my feelings. I guess it's back to the night classes so I can avoid him.
  13. It pisses me off that he says I put him on the "pay no mind" list yet he never text messages me to say hi. It's always me who says something first. And I hate seeing him at class too.
  14. I feel sick still. It's been ten days already. I'm tired of having hot flashes and then being cold.
  15. Conceptual foundations of nursing practice. Very boring.
  16. Aww thanks. I appreciate the offer but I should really get started on this philosophy paper that is due at the end of the week.
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