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Everything posted by KatRN05

  1. Being sick has really fucked up my workout routine.
  2. I still get very upset when I see documentaries on 9/11 so I avoid watching them now. I remember watching CNN that day and seeing the second plane hit and thinking that it was no accident and staying awake all night to watch the rescue efforts on t.v.. And I remember talking to my cousin and telling her how grateful we were that we went to NYC and visited the World Trade Center the year before and how that could have been us. I can't imagine what those passengers were thinking and feeling, sitting on the planes with the people who were about to murder them. And I can't imagine what thoughts were running through the minds of the people who decided to jump from the Towers. I think your feelings are normal but I think there are some who have had difficulty moving on with their lives.
  3. Thanks. I'm sorry for being in whiny bitch mode again.
  4. It's as if nothing ever happened.
  5. Me. Still me. I don't understand why it's so hard for me to form a relationship with a guy that goes beyond friendship. Or to even have a guy interested in me. It makes me feel like I am very unattractive and unwanted .
  6. Sometimes I think I'm too hard on myself..
  7. Hurt. I feel like I'm being punished for expressing my feelings.And I hate that I'm going to have to see him at class tomorrow.
  8. I'm still in a foul mood, whom shall I fuck up for you?
  9. I feel defeated. I feel like I've been run over by a semi-truck.
  10. In an attempt to remain positive, I'm thinking "I'm beautiful and deserve better."
  11. I can't believe I have feelings for someone who is obviously a douche-bag. Why do I do this to myself? I deserve better.
  12. I don't have any tattoos yet. I've been thinking about it though. For me, it would have to be something that means something significant to me. I thought about getting the Krav Maga symbol tattooed but I'm still not sure if I want to or not.
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