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Everything posted by KatRN05

  1. It's been a while since I posted. I've been getting in a cross-training class once a week for the last month and I love it. Been up to the usual Krav Maga and kickboxing classes. I've been getting to HIIT class once a week as well. To sum it up, I've either training or working out five days a week, 1-2 hours each day.
  2. I am excited. I was really thinking about not going but I need a day away from things and I haven't seen anyone in a while. It just sucks I can only make it Saturday, but I'd lose my holiday pay if I canceled my shift this Friday. See you all very soon.
  3. Aww thanks, Troy. We just really started talking a lot the last month and we've hung out but it was with other friends. You're right, it kind of does happen without having to declare anything. I'm just being hard on myself for no reason.
  4. That doesn't even look appealing to me. Already I'm thinking about how many times I'll have to workout to burn all those calories off...
  5. I'll admit I have self-esteem/self-confidence issues. I used to be heavy and I think I used my extra weight as a security blanket to keep people away emotionally/physically (in an intimate way). Now that I've lost weight, I look better (kinda; this is where my body image/self-esteem issues come in) and I feel better physically. It's just really hard for me to feel better emotionally about me. I have a crush on this guy that I train with. He's nice, we talk often and train together. I have a crush on him, I just cannot bring myself to tell him how I feel. I just think "why would he want me?", I'm not pretty enough, I'm not thin enough, I'm not worth it.....see this is where my body image/self-esteem issues come in again....
  6. Propofol is safe when used properly i.e. when a patient is intubated and mechanically ventilated. Doctors like it because of the short half-life. It wears off quickly when the drip is stopped and it will quickly sedate the patient when resumed. We use this a lot of TBI patients so we can easily assess their mental status. As far as Michael Jackson goes, the dumbfuck had no business taking this or asking for this to be administered.
  7. Thanks. My aunt passed away Sunday night after a brief battle with cancer. I've just been trying to hold my grief in but I had my breakdown yesterday and I feel better.
  8. Just very, very sad and I'm starting to not be able to contain it any longer. I hate crying, I hate people seeing me cry. I feel so weak when it happens.
  9. I need to work on my sparring. I'm frustrated.
  10. I'm resting for the next three days. No workouts. My knee is thanking me for it. I haven't really noticed much change in the scale but I've been getting a lot of compliments that I look slimmer so I think the CrossFit is helping me. I love that class, it's tough as hell but it's such a good workout.
  11. Rested from Thursday until this morning when I went back to kickboxing and krav. My left knee has been bothering me lately. I've been alternating ice/heat when I'm not working out. Any other suggestions?
  12. It's a kettle bell. Twenty pounds is pretty heavy for a beginner. I just started lifting 25lbs. It's a different weight-lifting form. I did squat and press with two twenty pound kettle bells and that was pretty tough. I started using a 25lb kettle bell for some of the stuff we do like push presses and swings. We have heavier kettle bells 35lb, 45lb, and 53lb but I'm not strong enough to lift those...yet. Anyhow, I can tell in my arms, shoulders and chest that I am getting the same results I would get if I was lifting weights in the gym. I like the stuff we do in cross-training because it's never the same and it's fun despite the urge to vomit I get when class is over. I just started to find lifting at the gym boring. And you don't have to be big to be strong. But that's what you want. I just want to be stronger.
  13. Heh, my instructor must've finally had it with the "I don't want to get big " remarks from all the chicks in the kickboxing classes I go to because he ranted about how that's a fucking myth then made all the bitches in class get a twenty pound kettle bell instead of their normal ten pound KB.
  14. Like poo. I'm tired. I worked last night, didn't sleep well before either. Gotta work tonight but I can't go to bed right now because I have to take my car to the shop to get the brakes fixed. I am TIRED!!!
  15. This week: Monday: Krav/Kickboxing= 105 minutes Tuesday: Cross-training in the a.m.= 60 minutes, then Krav and Weapons= 90 minutes Weds: Krav/Kickboxing= 105 minutes. Skipped Ground-fighting because my knee was buggin' me. Thursday: HIIT=30 minutes And that concludes my workouts for the week. I haven't been lifting because we used kettle-bells during cross-training and kickboxing class. I used two 20lb kettle-bells during Tuesday's cross-training class. We did double kettle-bell swings, upright rows, curl/press and squat/press. If we're not using two kettle-bells I use the 25lb kettle-bell.
  16. I've been trying to workout almost every day this week. I took a rest day today. Tomorrow I am going to a two hour Krav maga and cross-training seminar.
  17. I think parenting is part of the problem. Genetics and medical issues is the other. I think if parents set a better example by keeping healthier snacks in the house, encouraging more physical activity and limiting the amount of time a kid spends in front of a t.v. or computer, childhood obesity would be at a lower rate. But that probably only works when a kid is young, once they get into their teens they make their own decisions about their activity level and food choices.
  18. I am such a bad person for not wanting to hear about my sister's wedding every time we talk...
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