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Everything posted by KatRN05

  1. I hate when someone makes an accurate assessment about how I feel about myself. It isn't so much that they made the assessment, it's just that they are right.
  2. One more...I promise....King Diamond!
  3. How did we all miss that one? Damn it!
  4. well...I....sorry.... But to finish: Marcus King, B.B King, William King, Perry King, Carole King...
  5. Don King? Larry King? Martin Luther King?
  6. I have friends who are in the U.S. Army and did several tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. I have a friend who is in training to become a Navy Seal. I have family who are veterans of the Navy, Army and U.S. Marines. My uncle was awarded the Navy Cross for saving his comrade during Vietnam, took shrapnel to his face and body. I love and respect our nation's military. They are doing a job that I know I couldn't do.
  7. This lawsuit is frivolous. If this bitch wins, I will be so very disappointed in the judicial system. This is how I interpreted the Mom's case: Stupid Mom: WAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I don't know how to say "no" to my kid when she cries that she wants her Mcdonald's toy!!!!! It's Mcdonald's fault.
  8. I think I'd rather listen to Eddie Murphy's song than this piece of shit.
  9. Haven't worked out since Saturday's Level 3 Krav Maga test. Well, it was kind of a well-deserved four days off since the test itself was 4 hours. Today, I'm going over to Slogo/LOS/LillyLu's house. They got a punching bag in the garage and I thought I would beat the crap out of it for a bit then torture Slogo with some Tabata training. I'm making him do 8 rounds of kettlebell swings, 8 rounds of push-press with Kettlebells and 8 rounds of squats. Each round is 20 seconds on and 10 seconds of rest, total of 4 minutes once the 8 rounds are done.
  10. The woman featured in the story was talking about how it was such a battle with her child about going to McDonald's to get a happy meal. She's the damn parent, she needs act like it. Who is running the show here? Her or her kid? It just pisses me off that some parents have such a hard time saying no. A toy isn't a necessity.This is why I will be such a tyrant as a parent because if my kid is going to throw a damn hissy fit about not being able to get a Happy Meal and a toy, they will just find themselves ignored til their hissy fit stops.
  11. Kesha or whatever the fuck her name is needs to go away. I cannot stand her voice.
  12. Mexican food sounds good right now.
  13. Where's the aftermath? LOL. Anyhow, I went. I was tired so I didn't stay long. It was good to see everyone.
  14. Making dinner. On the menu: steak, sweet potato and green beans.
  15. I'm sore. I think after I take the Level 3 Krav Maga test on Saturday, I might take a break. Not totally stop working out but I'm not going to classes 4x per week like I have been.
  16. We don't even know what the guy's political leanings were to begin with so how can we conclude that he was influenced by politics? Have you seen the videos this guy posted on Youtube? He was obsessed with currency, thought we were all being brainwashed by government and the college bookstore was illegal. Hmm, he sounds a like he is a few cards short of a full deck.
  17. I stopped reading right after the second sentence. Maybe it's me but I find it annoying to read. There are so many errors.
  18. Are you referring yet again to the crosshairs? Seriously, the guy that shot all those people in Arizona was mentally ill. He was not incited by anything Palin said or had posted on her site. Shit, we don't even know what his political leanings were anyway. The guy was mental! To say that this guy was incited by a politician or group just defers responsibility and accountability away from the person who is actually responsible and accountable for the act of violence, the shooter himself.
  19. It is our right. But yeah, I agree with Chernobyl. So much for "togetherness" if you are just going to bash one party or group or politician. This speech by Olbermann is just more blame-game. No one incited this guy to kill 6 people and wound many.
  20. I went to one of his concerts at DTE in August. I'm not a huge fan of his music, I don't hate it. I do have to say he puts on a great show. He's awesome live.
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