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Everything posted by KatRN05

  1. I just decided I am not really looking. I think it's better that way. If something comes along, WOO! But for now, I'm not actively looking.
  2. Buy a house or surgery? Buy a house or surgery?
  3. Drinking a liter of water in preparation for a two hour boot camp workout.
  4. That was the best 12 hours of sleep ever.
  5. Went to KM class then ground-fighting after. The instructors say I am improving a lot and I will be testing for Level 3 on Jan. 22. I'm heading to the gym tomorrow for cardio and weights.
  6. Monday morning, I did kickboxing and KM for two hours. Last night, I went to KM class for an hour. Tonight, I have KM class and ground-fighting, a little over two hours for both classes. I might go to HIIT class tomorrow.
  7. My advice would be to tell her that she is a grown adult and needs to start being more responsible. It's time for her to get a job. Seriously, I know people who worked three jobs and went to nursing school. It's not easy but you have to make the best of it. You and your husband need to stop giving in to these hissy fits that she has when you say no. Telling her she needs to come live with you and your husband is not a solution and I think that would be more enabling.
  8. I feel like my nose should be broken.
  9. Even better is that I can get my tuition reimbursement from work. Unfortunately, I am going to have this shithead again for the second chemistry class I have to take for my degree. Two of my co-workers will be in my class with me and I just found a site called Khanacademy where I can listen to chem lectures.
  10. I always get confused on this so I want some opinions. I've been lifting 3x per week. I've been using heavy weights, heavy enough that I can do 10 reps. Now that I've "built" muscle, should I lower the weight that I am lifting and do more reps?
  11. I absolutely with a passion, HATE my chemistry professor. Thanks for a wonderful semester, ASSHOLE!!!!
  12. Dear Chemistry Professor, I hate you.
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