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Everything posted by KatRN05

  1. I can bring some pop to Part Deux. Anything else ya want me to bring?
  2. Went to ground-fighting yesterday. Been the only girl who has been going to that class consistently for the last 6 weeks. Yay me! Went to the gym early this morning. KM class tonight and then a break this weekend as I'm already sore.
  3. Can't wait until next Saturday. I'm going to the fight at the Palace. It's gonna be fucking awesome.
  4. And that is why Krav Maga is better. At least, that is what I think.
  5. Went to KM class and then a Bas Rutten class an hour after that. I ended up just observing the last part of the class because it was just 4 guys and me and they were doing body strikes. When we were doing the 1 to 4 combinations with Thai pads, my instructor said he was impressed. I still need to work on my striking though.
  6. Thanks! Haven't tried the final product yet but I did taste test it and so far so good. Had to season it a lot and add a little bit of salt. I thickened it with some cornstarch too.
  7. I don't know what I just made but I'll call it "crap in a pot"...I browned a pound of ground beef and threw it in the crockpot with some mushrooms, onions, a can of cream of mushroom soup and a can of milk. Seasoned it with garlic and pepper and throw in a bag of frozen mixed veggies. Guess, I'll make some smashed potatoes too.
  8. So I never made it to the Bas Rutten class on Saturday, ended up passing out on the couch. So I will go this week on Tuesday. The only thing that sucks is that it's at 8:30pm and an hour or so after KM class which I plan to attend to. Gonna go to kickboxing and KM this morning. I went to the gym yesterday and lifted weights and did a little bit of cardio.
  9. Kicking/kneeing someone in the groin seems to help. That's all the "personal protection" I have at the moment.
  10. my mom can be Sophia. Yes, I will be Dorothy, she never got laid as much as Blanche. That's currently my life. I'm just confused. Are we sure it's not me that's the problem? It's not like I walk around and tell guys I kick ass for fun. I really don't share that. It was suggested to me that I need to be more passive but do I need to change who I am in order to find someone? I think not.
  11. You can say that all you want but I can tell you right now when I have enough money saved up, I will be making an appointment at a plastic surgeon's office for a consultation for a tummy tuck/thigh lift. I cannot tell you how disgusting having 20 lbs of excess skin on my abdomen and thighs makes me feel.
  12. I'm going to be a spinster for the rest of my life.
  13. I just wish they would pick better candidates instead of these crazy-ass ultra conservatives like Palin and Angle.
  14. I think it's ridiculous to assume that all Republicans are "rich, white men". I'm actually sick of reading it and people claiming that to be the ultimate truth. I actually didn't know that being "rich" was a requirement to be a Republican. Only saying this because my parents who are not rich, are in fact Republicans.
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