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Everything posted by KatRN05

  1. That's right, bitch. I buttdanced on you and you liked it! Saw and hung out with LOS, Mrs. Heart, Slogo(my long lost brother), Black Jack, Bean, The Eternal, Hellion, Stormknight, pRick, and Nightgaunt. Saw Mstrbeau and Tyger too. Got my boobs and butt smacked a lot and did a lot of boob and butt-smacking myself. Saw some chick with a jellyfish on her head which was interesting. Had a good night even though I was tired.
  2. Taylor Swift Justin Beiber Too many sequels to movies Ex. Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street
  3. Are you talking about silicone breast implants or those thingies that girls put in their shirts to make their boobs look a little bigger? Either way, I don't have a problem with them.
  4. The New Deal Jersey Shore The Real Housewives of "(insert city)". Crystal Pepsi Liquid Sweet n' Low All reality t.v. MTV being non-MTV Payday loans(someone said this, but it's a very bad idea worth repeating) Limp Bizkit (someone said this, but worth repeating) American Idol (Worth repeating) Simon Cowell leaving American Idol.
  5. don't fucking look at my profile if you are not going to leave a goddamn comment!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just kidding.

  6. I would be insulted if someone called me a BBW. I'm beautiful. My curves do not define my beauty.
  7. If I ever have a baby (not any time soon), I am refusing to have a baby shower. I just think it's ridiculous to ask people to buy shit that ultimately I feel it's my responsibility to purchase. Seriously, a breast pump? Why the fuck would you put that on your registry at babiesrus. Who is going to buy that? Shouldn't you buy your own. Just boggles my mind the things people ask for. Not only that, it's fucking expensive...like 300 bucks. So selfish.
  8. Yes, Slogo ,I'm well aware of that fact. And while it's wonderful that they are supporting our local businesses in the manner that they have, how long will that last? I'm just saying they shouldn't be getting a huge tax break.The State is financially fucked.
  9. Yes, it does need to be a larger amount. I think I when I first suggested maybe 100-200 dollars, that was a bit extreme, but maybe it isn't. But it should be something that people are able to actually see the difference because I can honestly say, I don't see any difference with 8 bucks.
  10. I'm always interested in the obesity topic since I'm overweight and HAVE been morbidly obese. It's interesting that you bring up the obesity issue because Mitch Albom was discussing this on his radio show last month. He was talking about actresses such as Gabriel Sidbie and Nikki Blonsky who are two very overweight/obese and how Hollywood is glorifying obesity by promoting these two actresses and pushing shows like "Huge"(which has been canceled btw). The discussion continued along the lines of how our society has gotten so politically correct to the point that people cannot even say to someone "Hey, I'm really concerned about your health because you are 50lbs or more overweight"...I agree. You can't say something like that without looking totally insensitive and it's not even an insensitive comment. It's one thing to be 20lbs over weight but these two actresses are 50lbs or more. Sidbie is at least 100lbs overweight. I'm not going to assume she has any health issues but I have been more than 100lbs overweight and while I was not diabetic or hypertensive, I was quite borderline. Oh yeah, and I had breathing problems like becoming short of breath after walking up one flight of stairs and sleep apnea(undiagnosed). I'm sure these actresses are surrounded by people who tell them what they want to hear. I'm sure they don't have anyone saying things to them like "You are beautiful but your morbid obesity is of great concern for me, I'm concerned about your health". I'm sure that person would be gone in a split second. I certainly do not agree that saying to someone who is obese "Hey fatty, why don't you lose some weight?" is going to make that person make better and ultimately take better care of themselves. To be nasty and say something like that to me is politically incorrect and counterproductive. What is wrong with just talking to that person about improving their health? I guess, an intervention of sorts. My mom and sister had one with me. They were honest with me and I had to start being honest with myself. If I allowed myself to gain anymore weight there were going to be more serious consequences.
  11. Well, I'm sick of my hair again. Went to have it colored today. Problem is, I might have to go back so she can color it again. Apparently it's hard to keep and get rid of red.
  12. So from Obama's tax cut, are we getting an extra 8 bucks every week or every two weeks? I'm just trying to calculate this shit out.
  13. The 7 bucks isn't that much of a difference. It probably comes out to the same or less than what people got from the Bush tax rebate. Just saying. I forgot, when did Bush give out those rebates? The whole tax system is jacked. I was thinking about the whole movie thing going on in Michigan and how they are giving tax breaks to people who want to film here. Why are we giving them a break instead of the small business owner?
  14. LOL. And how is helping the American public how? "President Obama will show the American public exactly how much pressure and energy it takes to blow a cannonball out of his ass." Sorry, couldn't help myself. But I do have to say, he picked a good show to be on.
  15. I never really had any interest in seeing this movie but I watched it last night with some friends. I don't know who is scarier, the doctor or the person who wrote the script. You have to be one sickfuck to think up a movie about connecting people to other people via their digestive tracts.
  16. eh, maybe there were, I didn't really take the time to look but I just saw the crap cereals. Bad on me.
  17. Awake. That is how I feel. Oh and my ankle feels better so I won't have to skip KM class tonight.
  18. Has anyone really seen some of the shit that is WIC-approved? I went to Kroger the other day and was walking down the cereal aisle and the WIC-approved cereal was the sugary, unhealthy crap. At the end of the day, banning pop from being bought is not the only solution to the problem if the government wants to fight obesity. There is a lot of stigma surrounding getting assistance. I'm not against people getting assistance for a certain amount of time. I'm against the people who abuse the system which there is a lot of.
  19. Yes, I remember that tax cut. Like creature said, it comes down to about eight bucks and I never noticed because it didn't make much difference in my check. If Obama really wants to make more of a difference, he should give us a tax cut of a hundred bucks or two. Seriously, I've paid about 12,000 bucks in federal taxes so far this year. I know I will get a refund at the beginning of next year but I'd rather have that extra cash from a tax cut to put away every two weeks instead of some refund.On the other hand, some people would rather have that refund at the end of the year.
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