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Everything posted by KatRN05

  1. My look is whatever I feel like putting on. I don't have a specific "look".
  2. I think what bothers me most is that many, many people stood up and asked that this not be approved and it was despite all the protesting. NY and this country really has not healed since 9/11, so I can understand why this strikes such a raw nerve. That being said, I have many Muslim friends. They don't hate the U.S. They don't advocate for the 9/11 hijackers. They came here because they wanted to live in peace and not be subjected to the violence and radicalism that is plaguing their religion and country. I'm sick of the constant perpetuation that all Muslims are evil. I'm sorry but Islam is not the only religion with radicals in it. Christianity, anyone? How about the abortion clinic bombers? How about the assholes from Westboro who protest at military funerals? Part of me disapproves of the building, the other says part of the foundation of this country was based on freedom of religion. I don't know, I'm still a bit undecided on this situation.
  3. Well, this week has been going well. I've been to classes almost every day. Tuesday I took off for some rest. Wednesday night was KM class for level 1/2 then I went to ground-fighting class after that, so it was a total 2 hours and 30 minutes of hard work. Tonight I went to cross-training. My cardio sucks so this class is going to help with that because we ran a lot. Barry gave us four exercises to do. Two of the exercises we used kettlebells and we're supposed to do 50 reps for each exercise but Barry said to do our personal best. It really kicked my ass. Tomorrow, I think I'm just going to KM class and that is it. I'm hella sore tonight but I know it will pay off.
  4. lol. It's not traumatizing as I first thought.
  5. I'm not sure what was more traumatizing: Eternal humping my leg as I was leaving after bad movie night or him doing the beaver dance...
  6. I signed up for the unlimited contract at The Fighting Fit. I went today for two hours. One hour of kickboxing and this is not your typical pussified kickboxing class that one would take at Bally's or the YMCA, it was hard as hell. After that class, I went to my KM level 1/2 class for another hour. I am so freaking sore but it feels good.
  7. Better than yesterday. Just hoping I can get my car back from the dealer soon.
  8. The first thing someone asked me this morning was "Are you fucking stupid?". Thanks Mom.
  9. The words failure and pathetic come to mind. Full of self-hate. Not a happy Kat today.
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