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Everything posted by KatRN05

  1. Oh shut up!!!! You're adorable (j/k...ok, not really)! And I was only joking about kicking your ass...Maybe AFTER I complete Level 2.... Anyhow, I didn't make it. I don't know Ann Arbor that well and I hate going out there by meself. In closing, happy birthday to the birthday people.
  2. pokepokepokepokepokepokepokepokepokepokepokepokepokepokepokepokepokepokepokepokepokepokepokepokepokepokepokepoke

  3. I saw the trailer and that was it for me. Gross.
  4. Glad I decided not to switch jobs. I love my trauma and tranplant patients.
  5. Ok, so the last week has fucking sucked. I didn't got to Krav, well they were closed anyways because they all went to Las Vegas to train at a seminar. I went to Texas (fucking worst vacay of my life), but I did walk for 30 minutes every morning I was there and I watched what I ate for the most part. I'm home now, work the next three nights, have zero energy to work out at this point. Will get back on track on Monday night when I go to KM class again.
  6. This is why I keep my money with a credit union. If my checking account is overdrafted, I don't get charged, they just take money from my high yield account or my line of credit and put it in my checking. At least, I think that's what they do. I need to pay more attention.
  7. But, but....he didn't even get ass-raped yet! Oh, I forgot. They stuck his ass in his own cell.
  8. The new Robin Hood movie with Russel Crowe. It was okay.
  9. Good grief, if they let his ass out, I will be pissed off. I'm sure his family and supporters will be rejoicing. They held a prayer rally in his honor over the weekend and Jesse Jackson attended, from what I heard. Stupid, stupid, stupid!!!!!!
  10. My cat snores. Hell, I think he even has sleep apnea.
  11. I feel ancient. I tested for Level 2 Krav Maga and hurt me back so I haven't been to class since Saturday and will have to go tomorrow to see if I passed.
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