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Everything posted by KatRN05

  1. 595 for Rochester Hills is not bad especially for a one bedroom. I paid 674 in Royal Oak for a one bedroom when I lived out that way.
  2. My home is Southgate as much as I hate to say it. It's where I grew up and where my family is. I've moved away from it and back to it. I'll be here until something pulls me away from it again.
  3. So what are you waiting for? Start the site!
  4. watching T.V. and trying to talk myself into going to the gym..
  5. Ok, so last night I was bored at work and I decided to figure out my BMR again. So I went to sparkpeople and found this formula and it helped me figure out my BMR and the range of calories I need to eat in order to lose weight. So I need to eat between 1200-1600 calories in order to lose weight. I'm assuming the lower end of the range is when I am more sedentary and the higher end is when I am more active. Deciding how many calories I need to eat is very frustrating sometimes. Here's the link: http://www.sparkpeop...culation101.asp Anywho, I went to Krav Maga class this morning. Kicked my ass as usual but it had been about a week since I last went. Might go tomorrow after work if I'm feeling up to it.
  6. My BMR is 1690. I have a hard time getting in 1400 calories...sheesh..
  7. Feeling a bit down. I fucking hate my job right now. It's not the patients, it's the nurses I work with, some of them. They fucking suck. They are the biggest drama-queens I've ever had to deal with. It's like high school sometimes. I applied for a new job. I need to get out of the SICU for a while and away from the craziness.
  8. Wondering which job posting to apply for at work.
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