So yesterday I went to the gym and did the elliptical for 40 minutes. I did the cross country program so I would sometimes be at a steep incline. I increased the resisstance to 3 because it was too easy for me. I had lifted weights at home for my arms, shoulders and back so for my legs I did the leg press machine, used 100lbs and did as many reps as I could do. Found out I can do 40. I'm sore as hell. The night before I went to KM class.
that I shouldn't being so critical of myself.
that I should be happy because I've come a long way from where I used to be.
that I shouldn't have any regrets and just move on..
I haven't really done anything the last few days except lift weights a couple of times. I'm slacking off and I don't fucking care. I needed a break. Tomorrow I'm going to fight conditioning class and Thursday is KM class. Friday, I'll drag myself to the gym....if I have energy..
Thanks Chica. You looked damn good the last time I saw you. Congrats on the weight-loss
Yeah, I need to to that more often instead of getting on the scale and getting all discouraged and frustrated.
So let me get this straight. The motorist put his seat back too far and got into an accident and died and it's somehow Kia's fault? Fucked up. Darwinism is a bitch.
Well, my size 16 jeans are getting a bit loose, I guess that's a good thing. But I'm not seeing weight loss on the scale.................................Oh, I forgot, I'm suppose to trash that damn thing...
I had gastric bypass surgery and I'm not afraid to admit to it. I'm sick of people trying to make me feel ashamed of myself for having it. They act like I don't have to work hard to lose weight. Fucking wrong! I work hard every day of the week. Fuck you, haters.