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Everything posted by KatRN05

  1. Don't be that guy at the gym..
  2. Had a patient who went into cardiac arrest and despite our efforts, the patient wasn't responding to any interventions and remained asystole, basically a state in which there is no electrical activity in the heart. We worked on the patient for well over an hour and after the doctors pronounced the patient deceased, the family came back and proceeded to call us all murderers because we stopped CPR. They were upset over the loss of their family member so I couldn't really take it personally and hold it against them. They did apologize after though.
  3. Mine is two days before MANFAST. I'm excited, found out I got the entire weekend off. Can't wait.
  4. E, I wouldn't kick your ass if you didn't nominate me. Really, I wouldn't.
  5. Accomplished...well, only slightly. And I'm a bit sleepy.
  6. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=o9srBDFW0Z0
  7. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=o9srBDFW0Z0 Just for you.
  8. Lol he's not. I tried to post a KM video in the well-being forum and it wouldn't work, just the url would show up.
  9. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=UL5iFlkA9j8 Oh good, now it decides to work.
  10. Twice today I tried to post youtube videos in a couple of my posts and both times they would not show up? I'm using the correct code. What is the deal?
  11. You never heard of Krav Maga? There's two places I know of that teach it. First is Krav Maga Detroit, in Troy. Second place is The Fighting Fit, in Wyandotte, which is where I train.
  12. I was saving that for when we are over at April's house.

  13. pokepokepoke "in a jabbing manner"

  14. KatRN05


    I absolutely agree. My one suggestion is that if mods are going to make a post invisible so they can discuss said post, they should make all posts in response to the questionable post invisible as well. That is all. I think the mods do a good job otherwise. I think we have all done our fair share of threadjacking. But whatever, that's life. It's like making sarcastic or silly remarks that one would make when having a face-to-face conversation. And if one finds that they feel harped on a lot because of the things they say, maybe they should be more careful about what they post. There is a difference between making one's point and being totally rude and insensitive. And as the saying goes, "You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar". There's nothing wrong with a healthy discussion/debate of a topic but usually it all goes to hell when one starts becoming confrontational and hostile. Regarding mod favoritism, I haven't seen any and I've been here a few months.
  15. I go to Krav Maga class twice a week, class is an hour long. Once a week I go to fight conditioning class taught at the same place I train at, it's a 75 minute class. Two to three times per week I go to the gym and do some cardio on the elliptical and lift weights(because muscle is important). Today is an off day, those are important too. Lately, I've just been lazy as hell, only making it to my KM classes and fight conditioning, then maybe a day at the gym.
  16. I think I should cancel my shift tonight.
  17. No it's different. There's no bitch running through the woods screaming "Josh, Josh, Josh"..It wasn't even scary. Anyhow, I tortured myself the other night and watched Twilight: New Moon. What can I say? I was bored and I was too lazy to pull out Pimp Chronicles. It was gawd-awful.
  18. Yep, luckily I haven't been injured....yet

  19. I'm sore from class, tired and can't sleep. It's going to be one of those nights where I'm up til 4 in the damn morning...
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