All happy and hyper and stuff. I got to fight my KM instructor during class. I think pretty much everyone did. It's street clothes week, I wore my scrubs, bad idea, I think. Anyhow, class fucking rocked and I go back Tuesday night.
I changed my mind, I will be a Mantestant. I look forward to any event that doesn't involve binge-eating or drinking, well because I can't do either. Yay! I'm excited. Gotta go, I got training to just kidding..not really I'll be back in KM class tonight..
You know it seems that all fascist leaders have a group of henchmen(and I guess women), you know, to keep people in line...smack them around a bit....I can help..
Thanks Dragon. Hope you are well.
I can't sleep right now. My back is still sore and I'm about to take some more tylenol. I don't want to miss KM class today but if I'm still this sore by later tonight, I may have to.
Gaahl is badass.
I guess Sarah Palin because she slaughters moose or caribou or whatever the fuck it is they have in Alaska...
Bill Crosby vs. Richard Pryor