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Everything posted by KatRN05

  1. Well, I haven't been to sleep yet. Fucking hate it. I'm off for five days and can't go back to a normal day schedule..
  2. Just kidding. I think that was the first defensive move I was shown.. Back to MANFAST....
  3. You really want me to kick you in the groin, don't you?
  4. Sorry to go off topic, it was the first thing that popped in my head..
  5. They look like those kids from "The Brood"...
  6. I wouldn't be uncomfortable. I'd most likely laugh my ass off. Just hope you two has your own tent.
  7. All happy and hyper and stuff. I got to fight my KM instructor during class. I think pretty much everyone did. It's street clothes week, I wore my scrubs, bad idea, I think. Anyhow, class fucking rocked and I go back Tuesday night.
  8. I changed my mind, I will be a Mantestant. I look forward to any event that doesn't involve binge-eating or drinking, well because I can't do either. Yay! I'm excited. Gotta go, I got training to do...lol just kidding..not really I'll be back in KM class tonight..
  9. You know it seems that all fascist leaders have a group of henchmen(and I guess women), you know, to keep people in line...smack them around a bit....I can help..
  10. giggity giggity...

  11. Lol. Dahmer...he's got the acid... Jim Jones vs. Manson?
  12. Uhhh...the computer from the Paranoia game.. Gallagher vs. Weird Al?
  13. Thanks Dragon. Hope you are well. I can't sleep right now. My back is still sore and I'm about to take some more tylenol. I don't want to miss KM class today but if I'm still this sore by later tonight, I may have to.
  14. Andrew Eldritch. George Clinton vs. Bill Clinton?
  15. Gaahl is badass. I guess Sarah Palin because she slaughters moose or caribou or whatever the fuck it is they have in Alaska... Bill Crosby vs. Richard Pryor
  16. I just want to know, who fucked with my star rating?!?!?!? Just kidding, I don't fucking care.
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