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Everything posted by KatRN05

  1. When I had my condo, I tried to get into the Home Affordability program that Obama put out there to help homeowner's renegotiate their loan or refinance. I only wanted to refinance because that's what I qualified for even though my condo was worth less for what I paid for it (155k). I called on a daily basis for several months and never heard a fucking word. I gave up my condo and learned my fucking lesson. Later on, I found out that if the bank did allow you to participate in the program, it was only for a certain amount of time. So for example, if I had refinanced my loan, it would only last for two years then my APR would go back up to what it was before and I would have to pay the money back that I saved. That program is a fucking waste of time. Anyhow, the bank can suck it. They got their PMI and now they are trying to sell that stupid condo for less than half of what I paid for it.
  2. Yeah, I realize the money isn't just to supply the troops, its going to all the things you've mentioned. I totally agree with what you said in your post.
  3. Well, I think after all this, some people might be losing their jobs in November. People don't need to resort to violence to get their point across.
  4. You're probably right though. 1400 calories might not be enough. I'm guestimating I burn 600-700 calories when I am in KM class, probably 1000 when I'm in fight-conditioning class. On the days I have those classes I do boost my calories, probably need to more than 1400 calories like you said. Yeah, it does seem counter-intuitive even though it's not. I put my body into starvation mode a few months back because I was only eating 900 calories and working out 5-6x per week.
  5. was gonna go to city, why?

  6. As far as I am concerned, both countries are lost causes. The Taliban is getting stronger again. The human rights situation sure as hell has not changed over in either country. The Iraq government is corrupt. Insurgents are coming in from Iran and who knows from where else and fucking everything up in Iraq. I wish Obama would just nut-up and pull our troops out but I doubt that will happen any time soon. So in the meantime, we have to keep paying to help supply our troops over there.
  7. I found a BMR calculator on the internet, according to it, my BMR is 1706. I calculated my daily caloric needs based on my BMR and activity level which means I need 2600 calories. I can't even eat that much, I'd literally be eating all day, but I think the 2600 calories is just what I would need to maintain my current weight. Right now, I eat around 1200-1400 depending on my workout for the day.
  8. Haha. You're right. I'll add some to your's.

  9. I have no idea what my BMR is. How does one find out?
  10. Yes but 3 cups? LOL, no worries though, you just start over the next day. My post KM class snack was hummus and pita bread but too much of it. It happens. I think everyone needs a cheat day.
  11. "[still another taystee tidbit: currently rich people do NOT pay any social security or medicare payroll taxes on income earned over a quarter million.]" Are ya serious?
  12. The government can't even run the post office correctly, do they really think they can run health-care? Taxing tanning services? Strange idea, I think. Why tanning? The legislation in regards to abortion, I agree with. Again, this is going to be a very big wait and see deal.
  13. chicken shit.

  14. LOL@Darkmatter. Anyway.... dude! *poke*

  15. I'm not opposed to the reform, I'm just curious to see what happens. From what I've heard, the bill will take a year to go into effect so there will probably be changes made to it along the way.
  16. It is illegal for hospitals to turn away patients because of their insurance status. Now some hospitals do not accept certain insurances but they most certainly do not make the patient wait in the ambulance and say "Give me your insurance card". They will however treat the patient and stabilize them and move the patient to the hospital that does accept the patient's insurance. I saw this a lot when I worked at Beaumont in Royal Oak. They didn't accept HAP so every time we got a patient with HAP, the patient was transferred to Henry Ford within a couple of days.
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