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Everything posted by KatRN05

  1. It's only been ten minutes.

  2. That track itself is dangerous. They left steel beams completely unprotected. I too find it difficult to believe that it was just human error that caused that guy's death.
  3. I like it. I bought an interval timer from Gymboss, you can set it to do 5 sets of 20 secs/10 seconds for Tabata training. I think with Tabata you are suppose to do 8 sets but I only did five. I did squats with an overhead press using 5lb dumbbells, mountain climbers (if you don't know what they are, you can find a lot of vids on youtube, sit-ups and push-ups. Even better than Tabata is H.I.I.T or high intensity interval training. They are actually starting a HIIT class at the Fighting Fit where I train in Krav Maga. We did HIIT in class last week. We did five different exercises: mountain climbers, burpees, pushups, situps and jump squats( I did squats) . For each exercise we did five sets, each set is a minute long, then you rest for a minute after each set. That kicked my ass for sure. I'll stick with Tabata for now.
  4. Good for you, Kat. Well, I haven't worked out all week so I will be going to the gym sometime this morning.
  5. Are you waterboarding your kids? That's not how you do it. You need a cattle prod, deliver small electrical shocks every now and then. That'll set them straight. I say this and I really think I'd make a great mom, lol. Can't wait to meet you too. I promise not to bring any sharp objects.

  6. I am going but probably not until around midnight(prior obligations) so if anyone downriver needs a ride, let me know.
  7. At the moment, nope.

  8. Safety first is right. A religion shouldn't excuse someone from being screened.
  9. who says you're the only one allowed to do it?

  10. I have developed many violent tendencies as of late.

  11. Oh, bloody hell.

  12. Sorry. I mean gentle prodding with a sharp object.

  13. Still got my cough and a bit of the sniffles. I hate being sick. I got to study today and take a quiz. I haven't worked out all week, missed two nights of Krav as well, and feel guilty about it. Maybe I'm pushing myself too hard.
  14. I will text you as soon as I get to CC saturday night, probably won't make it until after 10pm.

  15. How do you know it's not the other parents that are pushing for this kid to be prosecuted? The story doesn't give us that detail. Shit, when I worked at Chuckie Cheese as a teenager I had a mother who wanted me to call police because some kid hit her five year old. The other kid was probably the same age and size. Like I said, we don't really know enough about the kid being charged, if he's had prior disciplinary issues. It's a different time, I don't know. I got slashed across the neck with a pair of scissors when I was in first grade, that kid sure as hell didn't get charged with a felony. Sometimes I think these schools have the "damned if you do, damned if you don't" rationale.
  16. He's just getting started early. I don't know, I do think the charges are a bit much, suspension and maybe expulsion are fine. The story doesn't provide enough detail like whether this kid has had problems prior to this incident.
  17. Did he not use the pencil as a weapon? He could have inflicted serious injury on the other kid.
  18. I feel terrible. I called and canceled my shift tonight. I figure I am doing the responsible thing by saving some immunosuppressed patient the trouble of catching the flu or whatever the fuck it is that I have.
  19. I hate being sick. I can't wait for my 5 days off. Bought a pair of black leggings just to see how they looked on me, they look freaking ridiculous.
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