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Everything posted by KatRN05

  1. Fuck politics. Why can't these people that we ELECT just be fucking straight with us and stop trying to force their own agendas up our ass and down our throats?
  2. It wasn't Kennedy's seat to begin with. They should get over it. If they weren't so busy shoving a half-cocked health care reform bill down our throats they probably wouldn't have lost the seat to a Republican.
  3. It was the same with Bush, Dems bitched up and down about shit he did or didn't do. Same with Clinton. Shit flies both ways. The only thing is Republicans are not the only ones upset with Obama, many Dems are as well.
  4. I think they forgot Sharon den Adel and Liv Kristine....
  5. Corporations shouldn't be allowed to buy votes and elections. Unfortunately, money talks, bullshit walks....I think that's the correct phrase....
  6. Hope everyone's week went well. I went to Krav tonight and to the Fight condtioning class last night. I'm pretty sore and probably will not workout until Sunday.
  7. Like I'd like to be able to bend my legs but it hurts too much..
  8. I can't do yoga, Rev. It bores me to tears...I will fall asleep..
  9. Gah, no, I didn't..Brain is farting..
  10. Good point, second-guessing is not bad.
  11. Maybe in some instances it's ok to second-guess, but I just barely passed my quiz because I second-guessed myself and went back and changed a couple of answers..
  12. Like I need to stop second-guessing myself.
  13. Thank. I've had a couple friends go through the same thing. I've never gotten really sick or had any serious complications. I do however feel icky if I eat something with more than 5 grams of sugar in it but it passes after a half hour.
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