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Everything posted by KatRN05

  1. Feeling kind of hopeful. I've been reading articles about stage 4 cancer and how people have been in remission after chemo and juicing.
  2. I'm posting my feelings here because I didn't want my friend to see them. I was just informed a couple hours ago that her cancer is advanced and has spread to her lungs and ovaries as well as other organs. Chemo at this point is the only option and it's only going to buy her a little more time but it will not be effective enough to treat all of the cancer. I've been crying on and off. This isn't fucking fair.
  3. My calves are so tight. I need to stretch more.
  4. Spring mix salad with avocado and Japanese sesame dressing.
  5. Warm up: 10 goblet squats 10 push ups 10 pike planks 3 sets WoD: With a partner complete 100 box jumps 100 pull ups 100 kettlebell swings 2000 m row My partner and I split the WoD. Last part of the work out was pushing the CrossFit sled to one end of the gym and pulling it back. Sled had about 50lbs on it.
  6. Not sleeping like I should be. I feel like my mind is going a thousand miles a minute..
  7. Thank you. It's pretty bad. She's going to need surgery. Won't know anything definite until Friday.
  8. I'm feeling very sad for my friend right now. She was just diagnosed with cancer today after being hospitalized for the past two days. I never imagined this happening to her because of how healthy she is. She trains and teaches CrossFit. I guess it doesn't matter how healthy you are, cancer can get you...
  9. I'm really only watching this because Nina Hagen's facial expressions are hilarious.
  10. Sitting in the dark, listening to this:
  11. YES!!! YES!!!! IT RAINED AND i DON'T HAVE TO CUT THE GRASS!............ok, I'm a dork.
  12. Biked 5.16 miles through the Dotte
  13. I did run/walk intervals for a mile. What can I say? I guess a mile is kind of weak but I did just work 12 hours and I am a bit out of shape.
  14. Just got home from work and about to go for a run.
  15. Wishing the holiday was over because there is nothing but junk food in the conference room and I'm tempted to eat it. I'm going to hid in the corner tonight and drink lots of water/lemon.
  16. For the record, I hate kettlebell cleans as much as I hate burpees and whatever those plank/jumping jack things are..
  17. My legs are sore from yesterday. I'm going to kettlebell class soon. I wonder what we're doing. Maybe 300s? 300 kb swings, 300 goblet squats, and 300 kb deadlifts? Oh dear...
  18. Thanks. I'm sorry my ass got burned. My fault. Too white for that shit.
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