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Everything posted by KatRN05

  1. I don't drink pop anymore. My last diet soda was in May 2009 and I haven't had one since. And just because it's diet doesn't mean that it's healthy. Too be honest, I think it's crap just like regular soda.
  2. Yay! I gots new pants and they are a size smaller!!!
  3. You can't just expect people "Apply Here" without knowing what the fuck they are applying for. Too many weirdos these days. If you want responses please provide details of what you are looking for.
  4. I went to Krav last night then went to the gym this morning for cardio and weight-lifting. I told my Krav instructor that I would be at the next fight conditioning class because I missed this week's class, so I will probably skip a day of cardio and weights.
  5. I didn't see the movie but I thought it would something similar to "The blair witch project" except there wasn't some bitch running through a forest screaming "Josh!!!".
  6. Just got home from KM class, feeling a bit sore.
  7. It doesn't matter if the whole "pact with the devil" thing is true, the remark was insensitive.
  8. Dogma Nihil Brute Terror Search and Destroy Go to Hell Beast Hau Ruck (Special K mix)
  9. I go to Starbucks every so often and get a Skinny Latte, they aren't bad. They are nonfat/sugar free, which is perfect for me. I don't necessarily follow a strict diet. I keep my calories around 1200/day especially on the days I am exercising. I also watch my protein intake and keep it around 100gms per day. The rest of the food I eat has a moderate amount of unsaturated fats and some carbs. I pretty much keep a "diet diary" for most days. I don't drink soda or alcohol, gave those up 8 months ago, just drink water now with those tiny packets of lemonade or grape flavorings.
  10. Pat Robertson is an asshole. He's as bad as those assholes who go to U.S. soldiers' funerals and protest against homosexuality and gay marriage.
  11. I didn't workout yesterday. I figured I would give my body a rest after Monday and Tuesday's workouts. Tonight I have Krav Maga class, so excited...I'm always excited for that class. Hope everyone has a good workout today.
  12. Congrats. I need to decide quickly what I am doing tonight...fight conditioning or gym....have til 7pm...hmmm Hunhee, I saw Stevia at the store and was a bit curious about it, might get some and give it a try..
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