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Everything posted by KatRN05

  1. Tired, burned out, stressed out and in need of a vacation.
  2. Going to the gym early tomorrow morning then Krav Maga later at night.
  3. I don't care about the numbers, I'm sure we are still murder capital of the country. Last week was particularly bad. I don't understand why those parents would kill their baby. If they didn't want her, they could have given her up. Such a tragic end to a short short life.
  4. Trying to get myself back on track. Next will be better because I am not working as much. I'm going to the gym in a few minutes since it's open today til noon.
  5. I feel terrible after reading about that 2 month old. I think we should be able to take turns beating the shit out the parents.
  6. I'm really sick of the drama at work. I work with a bunch of nurses who could be mistaken for little bratty 5 year olds the way some of them act. I wish they would all grow the hell up and realize it's not about them, it's about the patient.
  7. Special message left for you on my profile.

  8. I'm awake. I'm not really sure how I feel about it.
  9. If we have a DGN event at LazerQuest, I will be there for sure.
  10. Sad. I honestly don't think I've ever heard a song by this band though.
  11. That's some old shit and probably worth some cash. I wonder if that is still there I read somewhere that they were revitalizing the building...
  12. Watching Family Guy and making protein cake. This is going to be one of those nights where I'm up til 4am...
  13. I'm disappointed in myself tonight, I skipped Krav. I will make up for it tomorrow when I go to the gym.
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