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Everything posted by KatRN05

  1. It's just too bad that the stocker didn't rip a nasty stinky one right as that idiot was sniffing his ass...
  2. Disorganization especially at work. I'm really nitpicky about lines, well because I work in Trauma ICU and my patients are really sick. I like things labelled so I know what drip is going through which port and I absolutely hate when they are tangled and twisted and left hanging on the bed instead of in the line holder on the siderail, just drives me mad. I don't know, maybe it's just that I'm really anal about things like that, but I'd rather have that stuff organized instead of having to constantly look around to see which vasoactive drip is going where when my patient is crashing. Drives me insane, I tell you.
  3. Hoping for a speedy recovery for your father, TMG!
  4. I want some mead... Anyhow, I just woke up and about to get ready to go to work. I'm feeling ok. Had a rather rough night at work last night and don't want to go back.
  5. Thanks for the update, Jynx. Hope the surgery goes well.
  6. I agree with Phee. The monotonous thumping gets old after a while.
  7. I'm taking a break today and the next few days, I don't care. I'm sore and tired and thinking I'm getting burned out.
  8. So sorry to read about your dad. You're in my thoughts.
  9. Wow, fashion tickets? Some people must not have anything better to do.
  10. Oh, didn't know you lived all the way out there..
  11. If you are interested in Krav Maga, there is another place in Troy called Krav Maga Detroit. I've never been there but have heard awesome things about it.
  12. New class starting in January at The Fighting Fit called "Fight Conditioning"....It's open to all Fighting Fit students. I believe its a 90 minute class. I'm definately gonna go one day next month...
  13. Plan for towmorrow is to hit the gym at 7a.m. for cardio and weights. Not sure when after that I'll be able to make it since it will be the holidays and I have to work three nights in a row starting tomorrow night. -4.8lbs so far this month. Keep up the good work!!!!!
  14. I believe they have charged the mother with attempted murder...Just read something about this on clickondetroit.com
  15. I don't know about you but I am sick of hearing Beyonce's Single Ladies and anything by Britany Spears including her most recent crap...
  16. About to get ready and hit the gym, plan to do some cardio and lift weights, nothing crazy. I have KM class tonight as well.
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