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Everything posted by KatRN05

  1. Irritated. I just got off the phone with the chick from HR and she made it seem like I have to put in an application to tranfer which I don't understand because it's the same unit, just two different teams...the fucking applications don't indicate which team one would be applying to.
  2. Still feeling crappy so I called in and cancelled my shift tonight at work.
  3. I blame him too.

  4. Hmmm..ok Uh, sorry...no can do... Dude, you are done. Nice try with the pjs.
  5. Just sheer coincidence? Kat you are going to put him out of commission...so to speak with those knees to the groin, unless he has balls of steel.
  6. Words cannot express the enormous gratitude I feel for those who enlist in the U.S. military. These men and women put their lives on the line in order to protect our country and for that, I cannot thank you enough.
  7. Pah, went to urgent care today, waited almost an hour to be called back so the medical assistant could take my blood pressure and temperature then waited 30 more minutes before the doc came to see me just to tell me that what I have is viral and its going to run it's course. I guess I'll stay home and watch the Red Wings game tonight. I've skipped Krav this week and the gym and hate missing my workouts...I hate being sick.
  8. Well, I thought I was doing good last night at work and then around 1a.m. I started feeling like crap again. I guess it's time to go to urgent care.
  9. I read the first link. This fucktard says that he is sentenced to die in prison for a crime that wasn't even a homicide. I guess since he just raped a 72 year old woman, the courts should go easy on him. I will have lost all faith in the justice system if this fucktard's sentence is reduced or has to go back on trial.
  10. Well I did sleep over 10 hours but I still feel like shit.
  11. Most definately. After all, this boy is going to be scarred physically and mentally for the rest of his life, assuming he makes a full recovery.
  12. The part in the Exorcist where Regan did the spider crawl down the stairs.
  13. I don't care, he's still funny as hell. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93jQI_6G5Cw
  14. Well perhaps the parents of these 6 boys should be punished as well?
  15. I have a better chance at getting struck by lightning.
  16. Going to rest a bit before KM class tonight.
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