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Everything posted by KatRN05

  1. I want to go but I can't. I'd kick someone in the balls.
  2. I'm a nurse and I work in the surgical intensive care unit. It can be a very high stress environment at times. I can recall countless time where I did not step out of my patient's room for nearly 12 hours because they so sick and required constant care. My stress outlet is exercise and if I don't exercise, I get cranky. Right now, I do crossfit once a week, kickboxing and I take Krav Maga classes. It's a great stress reliever. You need to find something positive to let out your stress otherwise you'll have a nervous breakdown.
  3. Oatmeal with ground flax seeds, blueberries, cinnamon and agave nectar.
  4. I'm not sure if it's sold out yet. Tickets were 65 dollars. It's Oct. 20.
  5. Who is going this year? I got my ticket now I need to figure out a costume.
  6. Awesome playlists. Sad I missed it. You both play the good stuff.
  7. Yeah, well I've got a personal Bio, a quiz and four discussion responses due next week on Sept 8. and it's the first week of school. Classes officially start Sept 4.. She has homework due the first day of school. Boo hoo. Just do it and move on.
  8. I have Krav and conditioning classes tomorrow night. I won't be done until 8:30...I might be there.
  9. I went with some friends. I was dancing and some dumbass ran into me with her drink which spilled on me. She didn't even have the nerve to apologize. Seriously, don't walk up behind people who are dancing and can't see you...
  10. My one rep weight max for dead-lift is 135lbs. Can't wait for that to get higher...
  11. Decisions, decisions. I've been unhappy for the last year with my current job. I'm debating applying for a Post-Anesthesia Care position or the Operating Room. I just can't make up my mind and I'm scared. It's hard being comfortably miserable.
  12. Splenda makes you fat. Check your labels, people! Special K, Slim-fast and a whole lot of diet brands like Atkins and many protein bars use Sucralose aka Splenda. It will just make you fatter. Eat a piece of fresh fruit or two and a piece of lean meat. Plan your meals a head of time and prepare them yourself i.e. actually cook something.
  13. It's a maybe now. I'm going to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch UFC with some friends. I might try and make it down there after.
  14. I will be 30. I really didn't plan anything to be honest. I just want to dance and have a drink or two.
  15. I started taking a high potency Fish Oil. I heard it's great for joint inflammation.
  16. That's how I feel. Instructors shouldn't play favorites.
  17. Frustrated and irritated with one of my ground instructors. I wish he would stop playing favorites and offer tips on how to perform a technique better. And it was wonderful that he told my partner "good job" (on facebook) and not me.
  18. I did my first CrossFit workout of the day with my friend/personal trainer. Today, I did CINDY. 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 air-squats for AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) for twenty minutes. It was an awesome work out and I'll be training with her once a week.
  19. I love Myfitnesspal.com. It has pretty much every brand of every food. I would just be sure of the accuracy because I've logged a few meals before and some of the foods weren't accurate.
  20. Slimfast is a fad diet. Please stop giving that company your money for their shitty meal replacement shakes that are full of sugar and who knows what else. Might I suggest Myfitnesspal.com. It's an online food journal. You can figure out caloric needs and adjust how many carbs, protein and fat you want to eat accordingly. It's also free. Seriously, cutting calories and exercise is the best weight-loss plan. However, if you cut your calories too drastically you will not lose weight. And if you are exercising you will need to eat some of the calories back or you will plateau. Some helpful tips: 1. Stay away from Lean cuisine and Weight watchers frozen meals.2. Eat clean (raw fruits and veggies) 3. Exercise (doesn't have to be anything crazy but 30-60 minutes at least 4-5 times a week is good) 4. Lift weights (you won't bulk up, I promise. Muscle burns fat) 5. DRINK YOUR WATER AND STOP DRINKING DIET SODA. Btw, Myfitnesspal.com is free. I use it. I have it downloaded to my phone as well.
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