Slimfast is a fad diet. Please stop giving that company your money for their shitty meal replacement shakes that are full of sugar and who knows what else. Might I suggest It's an online food journal. You can figure out caloric needs and adjust how many carbs, protein and fat you want to eat accordingly. It's also free. Seriously, cutting calories and exercise is the best weight-loss plan. However, if you cut your calories too drastically you will not lose weight. And if you are exercising you will need to eat some of the calories back or you will plateau.
Some helpful tips: 1. Stay away from Lean cuisine and Weight watchers frozen meals.2. Eat clean (raw fruits and veggies) 3. Exercise (doesn't have to be anything crazy but 30-60 minutes at least 4-5 times a week is good) 4. Lift weights (you won't bulk up, I promise. Muscle burns fat) 5. DRINK YOUR WATER AND STOP DRINKING DIET SODA.
Btw, is free. I use it. I have it downloaded to my phone as well.