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Everything posted by KatRN05

  1. And we can include Whoopi in this for her comment that it wasn't a "rape rape".
  2. I did end up signing up. I start tonight at 6pm.
  3. Did you all hear about the petition signed by Woody Allen, David Lynch and Martin Scorsese demanding Polanski's release? Give me a break. Polanski deserves to get his dick ripped off. Rape is rape.
  4. Kmfdm kicked ass. I wasn't too keen on Angelspit. It was great to meet the DGNers that were there.
  5. Those skin-tight leggings that girls seem to be wearing now. Not that they look bad on all people, just some people, the ones who are heavier, should not wear them. Saw some chick at the store the other day with them on and they were so thin, you could see her thong...gross.
  6. Rev will have his house boarded up like something out of "Night of the Living Dead"....And I don't know if using a machete to combat zombies is a bright idea. Get a gun so you can maintain a safe distance between you and the zombies.
  7. Tired, mostly due to being awake since 4p.m. yesterday.
  8. I remember that!!!!!!! I haven't seen that video in ages.
  9. I saw a preview for this. Personally, I like the original. The Stepfather is also being remade. Should be interesting.
  10. The funeral/mortuary business should feel the pinch. Honestly, charging $5,000 for a casket is crazy.
  11. I saw a story about this on Channel 4. It's pretty sad but I'm not surprised.
  12. I've been debating between the two. I've heard Krav Maga is pretty intense.
  13. KatRN05


    I don't know. It doesn't seem right. Definately, don't give out any of your info.
  14. Does anyone work out there? I just drove past their location and I'm thinking about signing up for their kickboxing classes.
  15. Suuure....just kidding. Have at it because I know I am not getting in the pit, it's not compatible with the shoes I'll be wearing.
  16. Yay, for him. I'd stop the fucking show too if some asshole's cell phone broke my concentration. Some people have no damn manners.
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