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  1. is praying for her cousin Christopher to make a full recovery.

  2. Oooh, a challenge! /evil

  3. You two aren't able to irritate me. I haz thick skin.

  4. Exactly. I feel that it's one thing to ask a church official to perform your marriage ceremony and have them deny you. That's a personal belief system, and their job is essentially their beliefs. A government official is not supposed to turn people away from a marriage, especially based on race. I don't support his bigotry, nor do I support the government telling people who are of the same sex that they cannot marry. Like I said, if it's a church official, he should have the right to say that he will not do it based on his personal and religious beliefs. And I would not want a pastor/priest/whatever to perform my marriage ceremony if he didn't support it. But a government official shouldn't have that right. They want to take religion out of government, then your personal beliefs should have NOTHING to do with your job, no matter what they are.
  5. Even knowing that the baby was going to be ok, my heart still nearly stopped. There is a reason why those things have brakes on them!
  6. I have been seriously considering dying my hair black and purple for Halloween. But I'm not necessarily sure I still want it around for Christmas... Any good temporary or semi-permanent colors out there?
  7. He insisted we come here. He must like it. I don't pity him in the least.

  8. oh ....now we can both irritate Raev....

  9. This is completely and utterly outrageous. Other than a blood relative, or if they are underage, no one should be able to tell someone else who they can or cannot marry. I don't care what "race" you are, what religion or even what GENDER a couple is, it is their personal right. Does this not directly infringe on their "unalienable" right to the pursuit of happiness? Isn't that what marriage is supposed to be all about - Trying to find happiness in this screwed up life? I mean, really. And the idea that the kids will somehow be messed up, ostracized, or otherwise mistreated is ridiculous and no reason to deny anyone a marriage. If what will happen to the kids is a viable reason for denying a marriage, I would say that there are a lot of couples, interracial or not, who would be denied. For that matter, you might as well start telling people if they can or cannot have children. And quite frankly, that makes more sense than this. I don't usually wish ill on other people, but I sincerely hope this asshole loses his job and any retirement benefits he might have received. RAWR!!!
  10. Hey baby! =)

    And hey, Kalamazoo doesn't suck! LANSING... Now there's a town that sucks!

  11. Hehehehehe <poke!> Heheheheehehehe <Poke!> <snicker, snort, giggle> <POKE!!!!> It just never gets old... Welcome to DGN, love! Let the beatings and whoopins begin!
  12. It's all good. At 4am, everything sounds a little more 'biting' than it's probably intended. haha I totally get where you were coming from with it, too. I have nothing but respect for all of you and what we're trying to accomplish with this community. And hey, don't be too hard on yourself, in the last few months I've managed to offend both my sister in law, whom I've known for 14 years and my cousin who I have known her entire life. So yeah, I just apparently have some knack for saying exactly the wrong thing. lol Now if only I could harness this superpower and use it to take over the world! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! And you know, Raev, that's exactly what I'm talking about. We live in this little suburb where everyone is kind of sheltered, and then there's me, picking my daughter up in my minivan with the music blaring and all of the windows down. And of course, my bumper stickers can only be just so "appalling", because my kids have to read them, too, ya know? But these peoples' version of what is appalling is going to be far more tame than mine. hehe
  13. Perhaps I misspoke. It's less about offending people as it is making them wonder. Standing out from the norm and taking the idea of the "soccer mom" and making people re-think it. Ahh well...
  14. This is just irritating. I consider myself Christian in the most basic sense, but this sort of thing is why I choose not to go to church. I'd rather form my own views and opinions based on my own interpretation of the text. I don't think it's meant to be taken in any specific way for the most part, but meant to inspire your own spirituality and your own search for meaning and your own relationship with God. OMG! I'M A HERETIC! <snort!>
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