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Everything posted by scyko_kitty

  1. I would LOVE to go but I has no ride... anyone wanna help me out???
  2. If i lived closer or had a car i would do it, but i would want to bring my boyfriend with me
  3. I found Away to get the black out, its a color stripper called Color Oops
  4. hmm I'll try and see if me and my boyfriend can come
  5. Im sick of the black hair. Im thinking about going out and buying the stuff to have my friend bleach a small part of my hair, or sence She is a cos student and I can go to her school and have it done, I want all the black gone. One of my close friends said to just have heavy hi-lites put in, then in a few weeks get my hair tuched up and have even more heavy hi-lites put in so it will just look like I have a few Low-lites in my hair
  6. Sick, Pain and going nuts. Im on bed rest for the next week and a half. Tired of being in and out of hospitle and just BLAH
  7. Ok i have a question, I want to go Neon blue and Neon pink. but right now I have black hair with two inches at the roots that is an odd shade of red. Does anyone know how I could get the Black out with out completly killing my hair? I've looked up diffrent ways but all of them take years. I've tryed to grow it out but I started to go nuts witch is how I ended up with the red. I've been dying my hair drak colors for about 5 years but have NEVER bleached it. I've had Firetruck red, natural red, purple with a hint of red, flat black, and blue/black. Now I want to get it light enough to dye it Neon blue and Neon Pink, anyone have any ideas on what I can do?
  8. It was fun, I was there with my Boyfriend and draco, Got to meet a few more DGNers, Had a picture taken of me, my boyfrind, his friend Squishy,and Deanttai(not sure I spelled his name right) by the Daybraker promoters.
  9. I'd love to go, but I'm not sure If im getting paid this week or next and sadly I have no car
  10. I love over the knee strippy socks or thigh high strippy scoks
  11. I've been ok, kinda blah with work and my baby constently kicking me now

  12. I say leave him with the other immates... Let him know what it feels like... But thats just me and I have my reasons
  13. damn I love A7X I have all there CDs was gunna go to there concert when they went back on tour :(
  14. YEs, I do love me a Long black dress, I lean more to the short ones on myself, But black dresses are always super sexi to me
  15. I will admitt I own a pair of converss boots but the look a hell of a lot better then the air jorden heels, its sad my best friend had to have a pair of those and now she wears them every were I have no fu*king clue were she got the but I wl burn them one day
  16. me and my pet should be there. she is finely going with me, well she is bringing me up
  17. wow my friend has that game and is adicted tp it. i home he doesnt get that bad
  18. Well I talked to my Man and he doesn't want to go so I guess we wont be there
  19. Hmm seems intresting but am I old enough? I'd love to drag my love there one night we never go out anymore
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