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Everything posted by scyko_kitty

  1. Sadly to say I got Barbie Girl by Aqua Stuck in my head >_<
  2. Would you mind if I gotta ride with you? I've been having a realy bad day and need to get out
  3. I would Love to be there tonight but sadly I can not find a ride :(
  4. I had a lot of fun, borke in my new boots and met a lot of people.
  5. Ok I'll talk to him. He knows I have OCD tendacys and I could only deal with unmacthing pillow cases for a few hours before I fliped. So I will wait. He just thinks it's a tad girly, and he knows I don't do girly that much and when I do i will go completly over bored with it. So that might be another reason he said that. I do wish I wasn't alergic to hemp. The bracelets are so lovely. I would love to get one for my lover but he couldn't wear it arond me x_x. I am also in the Tarot Card pouches. Sadly to say my pouch tore apart, and I have nothing to store my cards in and I am worried about loosing some sence this is my 2nd deck. My first one got throwen into a fire. but thats a whole nother story.
  6. Yeah I guess thats just something i'm going to have to get used to really. I so used to being allowed to do as I please to a point. I guess he actully cares about me unlike all my ex's
  7. hell yeah, me and a friend or two will be up there. Just need to make sure we gotta ride home. if anyone could help us out it would be greatly apreciated
  8. I would love you edited of me and my lover. I don't have the pactionts to do it
  9. no what I ment is that I don't see it as cheating if he is with anther man. i just want him to be safe.
  10. I honestly don't see that as cheating. I've told him he can as long as he is safe (yes he is bi-sexual too). But he doesn't want me with another girl.
  11. Ok, and I talked to m lover. He thinks its a nice idea but also said the fabrics sound a bit girl for him but if I want all matching pillow cases that he would deal. so I am most likely gunna see about getting one. how much would you charge for one?
  12. Wow, please post more. It's amazing. I sure Love to read on.
  13. Ohhh I like all Of them. I will have to messure my pillow. I would love to have one made for the pillow i use and I can talk to my lover and see if he would like one for the pillows he uses when he is with me. I really like the pink skulls But i do also have a thing for cherrys. you only need width and leanght correct?
  14. That looks amazing, I wish i was that good at it
  15. I'm bi-sexual, and the guy I'm currently with sees me bieing with a girl as cheating. I do not see the problem with being with a girl. It's not like I can get pregnet, or that I'm sleeping with anthoer guy. But I do respect his wishes, and only be with him. But I would like to know if anyone could explain how people see that as cheating to me.
  16. yeah, I need help finding some more dancers for the sxy vamp dancers. if you are intrested message me or draco1950
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