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Everything posted by darknight1

  1. Cool. That whole moon crash thing was cool itself too... http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20091019/ts_alt_afp/usspacemoonnasa
  2. You Are a Blackberry You are one of those super hard working, cellphone to your hip types. You like gadgets that do what they're supposed to do, especially when they keep you super connected to the world. You prefer function over flash, so things like a long battery life and easy features appeal to you. You may not look as cool as all of the iPhone kids, but you're probably being more productive than all of them! If you answered mostly As, you want a BlackBerry to tap into its leading-edge enterprise functions and cross-carrier flexibility. If you answered mostly Bs, pick up a sleek and sexy iPhone for a stylish, customizable mobile experience. Damn...I like the iPhone a hell of a lot better.
  3. Speaking of current affairs...what do you all think about that balloon boy hoax out in Colorado? My opinion here: stupid.
  4. I'm thinking I need a far better job now.
  5. Somehow I'm not surprised by that. And PETA? Idiots. I used to do security work for a company based out of Ionia...Herbruck Poultry, aka Eggland's Best. They constantly tried to break in there to try and get evidence of mistreatment of the literally hundreds of thousands of chickens housed there. It was always a headache dealing with those sorry jackasses.
  6. I hate to sound like an idiot but how do you post your zombiefied pic?
  7. What really makes me laugh is this myth that Obama is a Muslim. I had no idea that attending a Christian church for virtually your entire lifetime makes you a Muslim?
  8. It's quite simple for me: a shirt reading "Cheap ass halloween costume".
  9. Ich Tu Dir Weh by Rammstein (just got the new CD on Friday)
  10. once saw him get into a fight with Chuck Norris, Steven Seagal, and Mr. T only to kill them all...using some wire cutters, a blowtorch, and a 55 gallon drum.
  11. I really had no clue. Then again I don't know a lot about what's in Corktown (as I believe the area is called)...I just sort of rush through there when on my way to CC or elsewhere in downtown Detroit.
  12. So you're telling me that place is actually a bar? Huh...and here I thought this entire time it was some place that went out of business at some point in the last few years. Interesting.
  13. I decided not to. My ties to various friends and family (however strained my ties are to my family at this time) are too deep. And those ties I suspect are really starting to grow. I couldn't do it. That plus I don't really have much as far as money goes...I have been going through a hard time here financially (though I can still afford to go out and do stuff maybe twice a month)...only time will tell if I made the right choice though. I'm happy with my decision now though.
  14. Jobs in Michigan are a myth. They're quick to say that we only have 16% of the state's population unemployed, but in truth I suspect it may be between 60% to 70% if you count in discouraged workers, those who aren't receiving payroll checks, and the homeless. And if I really wanted to be bold, I'd say a lot of college students too.
  15. I had an interesting weekend...paid $22 to go to Erebus...it honestly scared me up until the point I reached a certain elevator and got split off from my group and sent down this pitch black hallway with this stupid ass-clown at my back asking me why I was walking so slowly (he was some actor there)...I shot back "Bitch, it's dark as hell in here and I can't see! Shut up!". I then journeyed up to Realm of Darkness, paid $20 in there, failed to win $40 for defeating the wizard, but instead ultimately ended up running out of there while screaming like a bitch...and being pursued by this chainsaw-wielding freak. I almost pissed myself several times in there. I must go back!
  16. I must acquire this wonderful taco...
  17. Good point. However, he still denied them a marriage license based on the fact that they're an interracial couple. Perhaps it's time we start disbarring any judge or other individual like him for holding onto those beliefs and expressing them in such a manner?
  18. Dave really is intelligent. It's a damn shame there's not many like him today.
  19. Thank you! I wouldn't necessarily believe it's a result of "Angry Soccer Mom Syndrome" though. I'd place it more firmly within the hands of these complete IDIOTS who are all too happy to subscribe to the belief system espoused by these brainless idiots called "Evangelical Christians". They see something they don't like, they start shouting until everyone complies with their often ridiculous demands just to shut them up. That is why there's still faith-based initiatives and funding for faith-based institutions in existence...just to satisfy these people (I honestly view them as perpetually unhappy cry babies). Before you know it, we'll be stuck right in the middle of a theocracy styled on medieval Europe.
  20. Idea: Why don't we take pricks like this and strip them of any access to any type of government jobs and exile their asses to another country that won't put up with their attitudes?
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