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Everything posted by darknight1

  1. I cannot stop laughing after watching that! Hahahahaha! "Sammich!"
  2. ...I'm looking forward to coming home to Detroit next month. Only 22 more days left. I'll be looking forward to seeing you all either at the coffee raid that I keep talking about or at CC...or something. Sorry, just random thoughts I'm thinking of at 3:13 AM out here in the Rockies!
  3. Snyder is no better than Granholm or Engler were. All three have only shown an interest in keeping themselves in business and stuffing their own pockets. That's Michigan for you.
  4. The appropriate question to ask is how could you increase your hours or even obtain a second job given how many companies have scaled back on their employees' work hours, or on the other side of the coin, how few jobs there are in Michigan?
  5. I find I miss going to CC. I'm looking forward to visiting next month and seeing everyone. Also, anyone still up for that coffee raid?
  6. I actually miss living there. It's hard to believe I've been out in Colorado for nearly a year.
  7. Does this Liveops company have a site? I could use some extra income...
  8. Is that real? LOL that's actually hilarious.
  9. I apparently just missed out on Cradle of Filth in Denver recently. Sort of disappointing, really.
  10. I have to agree with you, Cherynobyl. They teach the same exact thing at the college I go to, but unfortunately it's not entirely effective. I've had several classes with the same people over the last two and a half semesters, and despite every single factor in crime that has been pointed out to them, they continue to treat each and every person differently based on their own beliefs. On the part regarding the use of force, the officer was correct in responding to the suspect being resistant. That's allowed under the rules of the Force Continuum, but even still, the lines kind of blur at points - take suicide by cop for instance. Officers in that situation typically have seconds to act, and no more. This is why being in the law enforcement field can be difficult. You literally would have to make decisions in a split second. Did this guy go through his court appearance yet?
  11. Creature, it's the Onion. They've always wrote fake articles like that to satirize current events. Sad that you didn't get it.
  12. I have to respectfully disagree with the idea that Dawkins is pushing his own agenda. What he sees, rather accurately, is a push by right wing Christianity to mix religion with science. And quite honestly, I'd rather side with Dawkins on this one. Look at what science has proved since the beginning of the Enlightenment. Religion, by comparison, seems to offer no proof of it's teachings, it's own version of Earth's history and man's as well. Quite simply, it's all myth. What Dawkins sees is an attempt by the right to turn the world back to the Dark Ages.
  13. What the hell gives with these Republican idiots? They all try to make a stand on being "moral" yet again and again they do stupid shit like this. And I thought the Democrats could get stupid at times.
  14. It's reasons like Snyder's proposal to "fix" Michigan's economy that compelled me to leave. I just have to laugh when the governor's office or the mayor of (insert city name here) convenes a press conference to announce a new auto plant that's bound to fail is being brought into the state. It does nothing, since in most cases, most of the plant's workers are trucked in from elsewhere, as are the companies contracted to build these places. It offers no true solution. And, as it always goes, the company will eventually cease operations to move overseas, while retaining offices in Michigan. That solves nothing. And his proposal to make cuts to the educational system in the state is not good at all. This guy is doing it all wrong. I'm glad I left Michigan back in 2009, because the entire state's political leadership on both sides of the aisle seems to just screw over Michigan's workforce more and more.
  15. Do what everyone else said. Just encourage him to make that decision on his own. It's better then pushing your own beliefs down his throat.
  16. TitsMcGee, it's called McDahmer's. The food does come from shady sources after all, if you could call it "food".
  17. I secretly believe that Chuck Norris is a god. In human form.
  18. It's looking like the coffee raid will be within a day of March 24th. Anybody else interested?
  19. How easy is it to kill? That's followed by "Is it tasty?"
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